Wednesday 3 June 2009

Apprentice Final: What Sir Alan does not say?

The BBC series The Apprentice with Alan Sugar (A man I could not imagine working for in a million years!) reached a semi-final. 3 of the remaining candidates got fired, whilst 2 remain. The clear favourite is Kate Walsh (Picture at the bottom)who is easy on the eye to say the least. Kate is a good candidate and 27, with bags of experience. Perhaps not the most dynamic but I can see her getting her way in a male dominated office environment. Rather like the Winner Sir Alan picked when Michelle Duberry, pictured to the left, in 2006. Michelle though did not last long and went her own way to find success.
Perhaps the harshest eviction was to Debra Barr, pictured classily in her undies. Debra being 23 clearly is not someone you would want to pay £100,000 a year to with so little experience. Sir Alan avoided this and simply said she was too divisive and driven; criticising someone in his own image!

Still, who says the BBC don't do quality entertainment...


  1. Anonymous12:27 am

    Every time I see Debra Barr, I can't help thinking about those statues on Easter Island

    Be honest - they do look alike, don't they?

  2. I'm sorry. But The Apprentice is about spivvery and blame shifting. And I think S'ralan has lost his touch when it comes to judging characters.

    A new element should be brought into the next show. Repeat business. A score to show whether clients would do business with the teams again. That is more like the real world than this sham.

  3. electro-kevin: the problem with "The Apprentice" is that it is a TV show, so the contestants will be chosen mainly for their ability to entertain rather than their ability to do the job. As a form of entertainment the reality show is nothing more than a cheap, improv soap opera, so the format dictates a bias towards egomaniacs, spivs and drama queens.

  4. This will be your third post soon.
