Wednesday 9 September 2009

Dale the Dark Horse

That Iain Dale - dark horse, eh ? But hey, it's politics - gotta get that safe seat somehow ...


  1. Nick... well observed... you really could not make it up.... post-creditcrunchironic.

    Good post, if I may say so

  2. I was thinking the other day that the reason asylum seekers are so unpopular is that they are generally single men.

    Is not this the time to adopt an immigration policy geared towards only admitting fit Asian women?

  3. Correction:

    "whom" I will tell you about

  4. What's wrong with a good old British girl ?

    Croydon face lift, rolly belly and corn beef thighs ... and some delicate ankle grafitti "Connor" or "Maddison" to complete the image.

    Oh - don't forget the 'G' string pulled tight up the butt crack.

    Dale - you may tick the 'gay' box but you have some way to go on the racism one.

  5. That's some rough old bird you've got there EK. One of the benefits of immigration is Eastern European lovelies.Pop into Starbucks and feast your eyes.

    "Es tevi milu" is Latvian for I love you.

  6. it worked for Lemsip Okip, didn't it ?

    (also for one J.Straw many many moons ago ... but that's another story)

  7. I once complained to Iain Dale about something and received a swift reply. Recently I sent him a supportive, if arguably slightly embarassingly sweet, email regarding his dieting efforts. I do think that people aiming for better health should be supported and shelved my slight reluctance to press 'send'. I've not received a reply. I do wish those aiming for power would acknowledge the good messages rather than just fencing the bad.

  8. Philipa said...

    That was sweet of you.
    What did you say?

  9. I'll send it over, Bill. Have to run an errand 1st tho.

  10. Anonymous9:20 am

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    (Submitted by Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] NDSBro)
