Friday 18 February 2011

Only the BBC...

...could publish with a straight face this story about unpaid taxes. The too-clever-by-half reporter who has done this story only went and did an FOI request to see how much Councils were missing in underpaid taxes.

As this sorry excuse for a report meanders on it becomes apparent that at less than 2% its well within the realms of tolerance for any system; indeed it notes that 'cultural' issues in Scotland even help push up the numbers.

So the only fact in the story about £530 million is the one used in the headline.

I can't think why the BBC are so keen to focus on people who like avoiding their taxes? I wonder what the rate of non-payment of their villainous telly tax is this year? Last year they seemed to think it was 5%.


  1. What's a TV licence?

  2. The article also doesn't mention rent collection which probably makes up a huge proportion of council income. I know that my local council has been making huge strides in collecting arrears from the mick-takers.

    All in all, a rather half-arsed article. Due to the unique way it is funded.

  3. Anonymous4:34 pm

    So "cultural issues" are the in reason for non collection in Scotland.
    So thats all right then, theiving form the (English)taxpayer has the blessing of the BBC.
