Thursday 29 December 2011

The choice of 2011

We asked what was the momentous moment from 2011.
This was the top answer on the capitalists@work family misfortunes game.

Two elected premiers who had to make way. No one is indispensable. Not even the mightiest.
Even more than the Euro crisis it seems that the making of 'offers that couldn't be refused' worried the readers.

Poor Steve Jobs didn't even get a mention. Nor did the high levels of inflation. Looking at January 2011, 2.1% inflation was worrying us. How minimal that seems a year on.
And in December 2010 CU had a post about government's Real PLAN A.

Looks like a good spot now CU.
Have a re-read.
Looks like it could be true for 2012 too.


  1. Budgie10:35 am

    BQ - it wasn't that they "had to make way" that is, were removed in the normal democratic way, but were replaced by the EU.

    I look around in the MSM and even some of the blogs and I am dismayed at the supine reaction to something so momentous. This is real; the EU has flexed its muscles and succeeded; the short European experiment with national democracy is over.

  2. ah, I remember when we used to debate 'D' vs 'I' ...

    @Budgie, European experiment with national democracy is over: there is going to be an interesting battle over the priorities of civilisation

    in theory I put the rule of law above democracy, when forced to rank - but in practice, in the secular state each is the guarantor of the other

    how do we reckon the rule of law is faring ? not much better I fear

  3. PS, freedom of speech will be nex...

  4. Budgie11:24 am

    ND, I understand it was necessary to "adjust" the law to instate the EU dictators. So the "rule of law" means nothing in this case. Moreover, what we mean by "rule of law" is not what the Roman/Napoleonic code means either.

  5. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Expect Barrosso to demand his own Internet 'off switch'
