Wednesday 27 February 2013

Beppe Grillo answers

“He is going to put 3,000,000 unemployed to work. He will make the first million paint the Black Forest white.  The second million will build a one-way road to Jerusalem, and the third million will cover the Polish Corridor with linoleum.”

Popular 1930's joke about Hitler's vague, ill defined, yet endless promises to end unemployment.

From earlier: Can you pick the Benito quotes from the Grillo ones?

  1. "We stand for the sheer, categorical, definitive antithesis to the world of democracy…"
  2.  "You have to participate actively in politics: change your habits: eat, travel, think in a certain way,"
  3.  "There is no democracy; I decide everything. I'm a democratic dictator."
  4.  "Dissent is inconceivable within the Movement."
  5.   "It's finished! Give up! You are surrounded!" as banners waved  "We want to get out of the darkness."
  6. "I want to use economic power to politically reshape the Italian state to fit our ideological outlook."
  7.  "We are a religion"
  8. "Every anarchist is a baffled dictator"

 Mussolini's were 1,6,7 & 8.

 Everyone got 2 right. Populist slogans can fit any mantra. Especially if selectively edited.

Although, to be fair to the five star movement the few policies they have ever mentioned lack the brutal and war demanding calls of the Blackshirts. There is no suggestion that they want to take over the country and transform it with some new forceful ideology.

Before WW2 war, Mussolini was believer in state intervention to beat the depression. He was quite New Deal. Low cost housing. Endless new sports stadiums and public buildings. Irrigation projects. Land reclamation. Road and {the first} motorway building.Railways and railway stations.
The fascists bought stock in the failing banks and failing corporations and invested heavily in shipbuilding and the necessary coal and steel companies to build them and upgrades and modernisation to ports.

It all sounds good. But much of what was attempted didn't work, or made little difference to the average person, whose wages continued to fall, along with their diet, savings, prospects and liberty. And of course it all ended tragically.

Italy was just to poor and too indebted and too agrarian to deal with the depression. It had missed out on the pre-Wall street crash boom that the rest of the world enjoyed. 
The Blackshirts proved that its impossible to revive an economy on National will and the cult of the leader alone.

So 1 extra QT point to ND, Kynon & DTP.



  1. Reading up about this Grillo chap's intransigence to even consider negotiations makes one think of a petulant teenager. Either do it his way or not at all - pah, bugger off.

  2. What did you read up D? Did you read the blog? Might the media have a professional antipathy to a movement open to non-journalistic opinion-forming? Journalists don't like bloggers, least of all television journalists as they so creatively demonstrated during the election campaign.

    Grillini won't offer confidence to Bersani - and who can blame them? Bersani lost.

    Many of us are Democratic Party voters but we won't be soon if Bersani isn't pushed or leave of his own accord. Our move to an open democracy movement might be permanent.

  3. Err...stares at ground...shuffles feet...whistles an incoherent was the Metro, that fine, quality, essential reading matter. I shall obtain my coat!

    I'll defo read up your blog tomorrow HG - but this damned beastley work keeps getting in the way.

  4. Well, at least it stirred things up.

  5. Budgie1:18 pm

    C S Lewis said: "You can’t get second things by putting them first. You get second things only by putting first things first".

    The fascists put the Party, or their Leader, first. It is no wonder that their country came second. This is true today of adamant Labour or Conservative or whatever, supporters.

  6. D, not my blog (though it would be lovely if you read that) I meant Beppe Grillo's blog, where all the recruiting and the ideas and the debates and the plans are laid...

    There isn't an equivalent, blog-based movement in England - yet.

  7. Grillo is very interesting and as JH says, has livened things up.

    But historically, these movements either fade away , are usurped, or become dictatorships.

  8. Am orf to the boozer imminently so may I pop my QT answers down now with the understanding that this is not a cheeky pre-emption of jumping the queue!!

    Gosh, it's a tough one this week:

    1) Eastleigh - and a debriefing as to what's gone on - could it be UKIP, could it?

    2) Downgrading - oh, les horreux! TBF - and I acknowledge i'm probably in the company of very few here - but I really like Angela Eagle - she's a proper fuck you politician, no topic too small to campaign on - fair play to her. Don't agree with a damn word she says but good on her for soing it - it's a job after all.

    3) House building & Immigration - think they were probably the main husting topics.

    4) British gas - blah blah etc

    5) Sleaze in various guises - does politics encourage sleaze? Well, err.. yes. My mentor's refrain was 'Ricky, it's the dirtiest business there is' just before he got done for election fraud but that's for another day....

    Dimbo Tie - racing green.

    Good luck folks.


  9. interesting idea "" From earlier: Can you pick the Benito quotes from the Grillo ones?

    "We stand for the sheer, categorical, definitive antithesis to the world of democracy…"
    "You have to participate actively in politics: change your habits: eat, travel, think in a certain way,"
    "There is no democracy; I decide everything. I'm a democratic dictator."
    "Dissent is inconceivable within the Movement."
    "It's finished! Give up! You are surrounded!" as banners waved "We want to get out of the darkness."
    "I want to use economic power to politically reshape the Italian state to fit our ideological outlook."
    "We are a religion"
    "Every anarchist is a baffled dictator"
