Saturday 2 February 2013

Name That Car! VW Needs Your Help

Back in 2001 when VW was testing names for its new high-end SUV, the focus groups would have told them that 'Touareg' carried romantic associations of hardy desert tribesmen wandering freely across the rugged terrain.

And back in 2001, by no means did it conjure up visions of jihadist hordes riding Toyota pick-ups with heavy-calibre machines-guns mounted on the back, raiding desert gas-plants, murdering oil workers and chopping bits off thieves - no, no, no !

Now this is just a wild guess ... but it occurs to me that VW will be looking for a new name for their splendid flagship 4x4.  Given the precedents of 'Touareg' and 'Tiguan', it may need to begin with a 'T' ... but probably not 'Taliban'.

Just a guess.

Weekend compo - your suggestions, please.



  1. Fit a machine gun from an A10 in the boot. Fly any western flag from the radio aerial. Then drive it through Algeria.

    We introduce...

    The VW Taunter.

  2. Ha! Us Audi 4x4 drivers have always called it the 'toe-rag.'

    new names - TIFALD - Target Identifed For Airborne Laser Designation.

  3. Malcolm Tucker12:39 pm

    Tropenhelm : The pith helmet worn by the Afrika Korp

  4. Tribe


    "Tribe, for all your family"

    I hope VW see fit to pay me handsomely for such a winner....goodness knows I could do with it

  5. 4 x 4 = 16 tons.2:44 pm

    These things are very dangerous to be around, and are often driven by inexperienced people for whom they are far too big and powerful, so how about "Terrorist" or "Terroriser"

  6. Blue Eyes4:40 pm


  7. Tirade.

    Tantrum.'s all about identifying with yourself with the customer.

  8. Blue Eyes6:07 pm

    Measured, in which case Tosser seems appropriate!

    (with apologies to anyone on here who actually needs a 4x4)

  9. apology accepted, BE (it's a car, not an SUV, as it happens - & it has saved my bacon in snow and flood)

  10. Blue Eyes7:46 pm

    It's still a Chelsea Tractor, even if it is occasionally useful in your bit of the treacherous English mountains!

  11. BE - CU has a 4x4 ..and do I.
    We should form our own club.

  12. As this is a capitalist blog I'm surprised to be the first to suggest the...The... Trillion

    Soon to be considered a "Tossing Coin"

  13. Anonymous2:16 pm


  14. It's frequently the case that the only car that gets to work is my front wheel drive Suzuki Alto.

    I've spun it in the snow without hitting a single parked car before. There's no chance of hitting anyone who's moving because no-one else is stupid enough to be out in those conditions.

    Off road ? It only takes two to pull it out of a ditch by hand.

    4x4 pah !

  15. The Malaise. Or maybe the Capitulate. Or, the Dhimmi.

  16. blimey, John-i-C, those are a bit left-field!

  17. Tonka
    Turk (the visiting workers who build them)

  18. Blue Eyes9:23 am

    Apparently the new Golf is pretty good, and very fuel efficient. Do the Capitalists have a view on whether ever-improving fuel economy is a good example of regulation and the free market working together?

  19. Categorically yes, BE. I'd go further: as a general rule, technological gain is THE way to secure sustainable advances, I could cite many examples and cars are a good one

    once in a while, behavioural changes can work, too - but it's much more difficult to make them happen to order

    ('nudge' or no nudge)

  20. i read that and i like it so much "" Back in 2001 when VW was testing names for its new high-end SUV, the focus groups would have told them that 'Touareg' carried romantic associations of hardy desert tribesmen wandering freely across the rugged terrain.

    And back in 2001, by no means did it conjure up visions of jihadist hordes riding Toyota pick-ups with heavy-calibre machines-guns mounted on the back, raiding desert gas-plants, murdering oil workers and chopping bits off thieves - no, no, no !""
