Thursday 18 April 2013

Question Time : Ding Dong edition

David Dimbleby chairs Question Time from Aldershot. Panelists include Michael'Vampire' Howard, Caroline 'Foxy' Flint MP,{foxy as in she should be hunted} Sarah "Sit Down comedienne"Teather MP, Amanda "Anti-Hacked" Platell and Griff Rhys"career change" Jones.

DTP is doing a Man Utd and pulling away at the top of the table.
ND makes a spirited drive to remain in contention.
Botogol ? drifting down the leaderboard.
And Idle-Blue eyes- Taff - Jh and CU are all also in their own version of the The Johnstone's Paint Trophy. The winner of these 5 will also receive full winner's recognition.

This tournament is still sponsored by 
Timbo 614

Week 12

DtP 89

ND 84

 Timbo614 77
BQ(MP) 76
Measured 74
 Hopper 72
 GSD 70

 Botogol 65
Budgie 64
kynon 62
Malcolm Tucker 61

Blue Eyes 54

Idle 40
Taff -33

CU 24

James Higham - 7 
Andrew - 2


  1. Kynon3:09 pm

    Dimbletie - some sort of lurid mauve Paisleyesque effort (the pattern, not the Norn0Irish fella with the loud voice).

    1) Was the vast outpouring of taxpayer cash for what was a state funeral in all but name for Mrs T justifiable in this age of austerity?

    2) Are we really all Thatcherites, or just living in a post-Thatcherite world? (Possibly not to this tune though...)

    3) Who is to blame for the ongoing & escalating farce surrounding fit-to-work assessments? DWP? Or does no-one give ATOS?

    4) Gold plummets - has Cyprus been reading from the Gordon Brown playbook?

    Doesn't matter much to me, I appear to be stranded mid-table.

  2. Mid table, but safe from relegation!
    And for the first season too isn't it?

    "them boys dun gooder."

    And that's a direct quote from Harry Redknapp. At least I think that's what he said. Apples and pears,chim chimmeny chimp cherroo etc.

  3. Since I bombed out last week on the Thatcherfest, and with it being Aldershot, I'm having 2 Thatcher questions this week. Final push for the promotion play-offs - if there is one being organised.

    1. Should there be praise for how well organised and dignified the whole Thatcher funeral was?

    2. Can the cost of the funeral be justified in a week when benefits are being cut?

    3. Do we do enough for our veterans? Can we learn from the positive discrimination policies seem in the US?

    4. Is immigration out of control? Interested to see how Howard and Platell view this. Teather has an EDM on the subject too.

    5. Is there a limit to price we should pay for energy? Should we give into the demands of the big power companies for subsidies. Supplementary question - Is DECC fit for (common) purpose?

    Tie. Strippy guards-like one


  4. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Dimble's tie will be a golden affair.

    1- Maggs funeral. Divisive ? Where were all the Marxists? Still in bed?

    2-Boston bombing. Should the London marathon go ahead?

    3- DWP cuts cuts cuts to benefits taking the super claimers to only £25,000 {excluding the free stuff - council tax, heating, etc..}

    4 - Something about measles and vaccines.

    5. IMF say get spending George! Why won't the chancellor ditch austerity?

  5. Blue Eyes5:29 pm

    Quarter of a point for fourth having not read anyone else's answers? OK stretching the joke a little thin but I need the points.

    Tie: I'm going out on a limb this week. Mauve.

    1) Mrs T: now we've had the funeral can we move on or are we all Thatcherites now?

    2) Mrs T: Did David Cameron try to hijack a public outpouring of respect for a dead woman? / Was Maggie the people's grandmother from a bygone era?

    3) Economy: should George adopt a Plan B? Answers: yes, yes, yes from the panel followed by a Tory pointing out that's how we got into this mess.

    4) Tesco: if even Tesco can't conquer the world should British business just give up and come home?

    Only four questions this week.

  6. Thatcher has been done to death, notice how fast she disappeared off the front pages. So...

    1) Boston Bombs, It is possible to protect our own marathon on Sunday?

    2) Conservative conservatory concessions, U-turn or U-build?

    3) Wind farms versus nuclear versus gas what will keep the lights on in 2-3 years as it takes 20 to build nuclear?

    4) with the benefit changes coming into effect, who will be able to afford the power anyway?

    5) Measles epidemic, who is to blame? (NOT surprisingly no one died yet!)

    This is a bid for a position in the dis-affected league, those of us further down the table who actually have more points than those nearer the top [Measured, Botogol & yours truly] :)

    Oh tie - Green with Umbrellas.

  7. @BQ: Now I'm an anon!

    nope you are Bill Quango MP

    been playing with deCatchpas?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. measured said...
    The Johnstone’s Paint Trophy Final was played at Wembley which makes me rather excited at where this competition final might end up.

    What do you call the presence of three women? A glut. I hope BBCQT is mature enough not to ask a question from a sexist man about what Thatcher did for women, only for the show to turn into a feminist bun fight. In fact she did rather a lot for women, although she was shrewd enough to ensure her position was not undermined or the currency diluted.

    Unto the battle, BQ:

    1. Who else is going to get a semi state funeral?

    2. A question to show sympathy with America – do we cancel the London marathon or what’s wrong with democracy if you can’t ban guns.

    3. The army – cutting back on numbers.

    4. Mortgage arrears and the bleak outlook. You cannot buy what you cannot afford. Go Maggie!

    5. Should we just have children in school on every day of the year because mothers work? Think of the teeechers. [ © All rights asserted – copyright 2013]

    Tie – a lively green, purple, pink criss-cross textured affair

  10. This could be quite a toughie.

    1) Cost of funeral probably.

    2) Unemployment increasing.

    3) Le IMF popping Osbo for sticking to plan A.

    4) I'm gonna go off piste and go Afghanistan's heroin production up so what was the point of it all. Hmmm...not sure about that.

    5) Are we all Fatcher's children?

    Hmmm....bloody random, really. Good luck folks.

  11. Whoops; tie - a dark maroon colour with green stripey bits.

  12. Malcolm Tucker8:44 pm

    Dimbleman's going to be going green

    1. Cost of the funeral. Taxpayer's paying for the rich and privileged.

    2.Boston Bombs, Ln marathon. If a bomb goes off who is to blame? {for some reason the terrorist is never a viable answer.}

    3. school places in primary schools

    4. economy and the bleak outlook and IMF hints.

    5. ATOS assessments. A bit of a farce or are the majority correctly assessed?

  13. Budgie9:46 pm

    1. Texas blast: O'Barmy blames the gun lobby. (Is this right? - Ed). Was it just an industrial accident? Or terrorists? Or was it due to the evil Thatcher's vendetta against the helpless miners last year?

    2. IMF: is more recession for the UK now due to evil Thatcherite promotion of yuppies just a couple of years ago? Is Labour totally innocent, and in fact never held office? (Ans by the BBC: Yes).

    3. North Korea: if only we had jovial popular Uncle Arthur Scargill as PM instead of the hated Thatcher then Kim Wong-Un would be our friend?

    4. The right to die - is evil zombie Thatcher preventing people from dying? Is there no limit to the evil of this insult to the sisterhood? Ding Dong - this is your Ryanair flight to Geneva arriving on time!!

    5. Boston Marathon Blast: Thatcher blamed. It wuz 'er evil policies wot dunnit, innit? No wonder that nice Mr Chavez turned 'is toes up, Guv, innit?

  14. Not fair, BQ. I have entered a mere three times; my batting average is a commendable 12 and a bit.

    Tie: Floral, green and yellow on dark blue.

    1. What else does £10m buy?

    2. Why didn't Boris wear a morning coat?

    3. Who is the most likely next woman PM? (Amanda Thatcher?)

    4. Are we all Thatcherites now? Or did Dave cheapen himself by suggesting so on the morning of the funeral?

    5. Was the Bishbeard of London a bit partisan in his address?

  15. Tie - bold yellow stripe

    1. Wot are the lessons of the measles epidemic?
    2. week one of the benefit cap pilot: wot about all that, then? (sorry for the lack of compelling detail but I'm in distant parts just now - not even BBC.24)
    3. should there be longer school days & shorter hols? (really?)
    4. is Hoy truly our greatest Olympian?
    5. hate to agree w. Budgie (on principle) but there'll be a N.Korea question - wot's to be done about them or are they just bluffing?

  16. Bugger, missed it. Can anyone see Sarah Teather's head above the desk?

  17. Watching QT for the first time a year or so :

    why do we have or need social housing?

    why do governments think they can generate real jobs?

  18. First Q: Why should some people get over £500 a week benefit when I only earn £450 per week working 46 hours?

    Some sour faces in the audience not going along with the majority clap for AP.

    Some really, really stupid comments. One man says if Tesco can afford to spend 1bn closing its US ops it can spend another bn on increasing UK wages. Erm..they are closing down, sir. Not increasing profits.

    Q2: Are we all Thatcherites now?
    Audience says no.

    Q3: Should vaccinations for children be compulsory?

    Q4: Does the threat from North Korea justify Trident?
    QT seem to be behind the times again.

    Dismal show. Teather and flint on same panel. Two pillows would have been more interesting. Teather did her advert for any spare safe Labour seats they might want to drop her in. She really is the dimmest of MPs. And that makes her dimmer than an eco bulb that isn't switched on.

  19. Kynon - 5 +1 for 4 qs - 6

    Taff - 3

    BQ - 6

    Blue Eyes - 7 {incl Tesco which some fool bought up} +1 for 4 = 8

    Timbo614 -6 {you don't qualify for the lower spot - that's for those who haven't played as many games}
    And -been playing with de Catchpas

    Measured - way off tonight - 2

    DTP - saved at the end -3

    Malcolm Tucker - hmm -2

    Budgie - 4 - good NK spot.

    Idle - its just a way of allowing those with fewer games to remain. i like the batting average idea though. Trouble was we had one chap score a big innings first time out and then retired.
    - 3

    Nick Drew - 8 Vgood.

    Hopper - 1 for turning up
    Andrew 2. 1 for first show and 1 for turning up - 2002

    No dimbytie winner so that's a rollover.

    Winners are blue eyes and nick drew.
    You get to decide the split for the next funerals.
    You have £40m to splash any way you see fit on
    - Major
    - Blair
    - Brown
    - Cameron

  20. Straight in with the benefits question - geez, it's almost as if they were pushing an agenda! Cheers BQ.

  21. Blue Eyes12:02 pm

    First equal with The Great ND!

    £10m each. Not because Blair and Brown deserve a quasi-state funeral but because they allowed Mrs T one. Can you imagine what Red Ed would have signed off on had he been in Blair's shoes at the time?

  22. a down-payment from these ample funds for 4 one-way trips to dignitas

    we'll take it from there

  23. """ DTP is doing a Man Utd and pulling away at the top of the table.
    ND makes a spirited drive to remain in contention.
    Botogol ? drifting down the leaderboard.
    And Idle-Blue eyes- Taff - Jh and CU are all also in their own version of the The Johnstone's Paint Trophy. The winner of these 5 will also receive full winner's recognition. """

  24. wonderful and great ideas "" David Dimbleby chairs Question Time from Aldershot. Panelists include Michael'Vampire' Howard, Caroline 'Foxy' Flint MP,{foxy as in she should be hunted} Sarah "Sit Down comedienne"Teather MP, Amanda "Anti-Hacked" Platell and Griff Rhys"career change" Jones.

    DTP is doing a Man Utd and pulling away at the top of the table.
    ND makes a spirited drive to remain in contention.
    Botogol ? drifting down the leaderboard.
    And Idle-Blue eyes- Taff - Jh and CU are all also in their own version of the The Johnstone's Paint Trophy. The winner of these 5 will also receive full winner's recognition.
