Thursday 17 October 2013

Working again

Not only I am working like a zero-contract hours slave this week, blogger is playing up and not letting me access the blog particularly easily.

I Will try to return later, hopefully by the the US Congress will have saved the world again and the Royal Mail will be back at 330p too....busy day!


  1. Blue Eyes8:59 pm

    Why do you want your readers to lose their Royal Mail gains!?

  2. buy low sell high. easy to remember, harder to do?

  3. hmm, RMG now at £5. Old vince and george must be sweating.

    i sold at 458

  4. Blue Eyes5:01 pm

    Yes! And after the strike vote!

    Don't take the capitalists' share advice!*

    * I would have sold mine at 470 given the chance. I am one of the many caught out waiting for a certificate thanks to Eq@@@@ti.

  5. My share advice is terrible which I why I try to avoid it. After the insti's have finished buying it will go lower again. still don't listen to me!

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