Tuesday 20 May 2014

New NHS Shock: Man Waits 5,000 Years For Scan

A man finally recieved a CT scan today after waiting in bandages for 5,000 years.  A member of his family complained:  "they said we were going to be treated like royalty - but we are the ones that have been doing the waiting.  The same thing happened to my Mummy".

In Denial

Responding, a spokesman for the Luxor NHS Trust said: "the fact that we are funded by one of Gordon Brown's complicated PFI arrangements has nothing to do with this regrettable delay.  It's not a pyramid scheme, you know."

Dodgy Giza

He went on: "the family claim he caught MRSA, but we say it was his lifestyle that did for him.  He was on 40 Camels a day."


  1. Is this the one they found near Tootin' Common ?

  2. I sphinx so

    he'd been shooting up with Cleopatra's needle

  3. Sounds like a Pharaoh Tale to me.

  4. Sandy Bottom6:46 am

    has the Egyptian NHS been in deNile all these years too?

  5. When asked what he thought had caused the death the A&E consultant at St George's said "Sore cough, I guess."

    Cleopatra had contaminated her needle with the disease she'd contracted from the local Dub DJ, Artie Fax.

  6. Artie Fax ? I heard it was Archie Ologist

  7. Nefertiti10:15 am

    ...Bird , bird, snake. Big eye.Owl-foot Teacup..man walking like Egyptian..crocodile

  8. I dunno, I'm finding these puns a bit dry.

    Someone must have been delta bad hand.

  9. don't desert us now, Kynon

    all I can say to Nefertiti is: eye, bird, queen with splendid boobs, bird, snake, eye!

  10. when eventually offered the scan he said "I'm a bit tied up at the moment."!

    A doctor commented - "No Hieroglyph Specialist" was available.

  11. During the scan it was ascertained that the 'mummy' was indeed a mummy.

    The scanner has since been renamed the Womb Radar. (Tomb Rader)

