Tuesday 6 February 2007

Campaign worth backing

I blogged recently on the disaster awaiting is in the form of State Funding for Political Parties.

This coincides with a new Doughty Street 'Attack Ad.' I have mixed views on these ad's so far. The tax one was a good idea and worked quite well until the end, but really I have not seen the commercial of political benefit in them yet....but this changes today.

The new ad, on 'State Funding' is a great leap forward. A worthy campaign too, as the Main Stream Media are too pre-occupied with John Reid's latest insane-idea-for-the-day.

Backed by Philip Oppenheimer money (he also sponsors a good sight, which is remarkably detailed and considered given its not so subtle agenda).

Have a look, have a think, start telling everyone. No more money from taxpayers for the politicians, make them earn their own corn like the rest of us.


  1. I have never doubted the wisdom of that CU. I like the idea of a maximum contribution which , I believe , is the conservative position.
    I have been thinking recently ..hmmm, much as I love the Conservative Party , does it really love me.
    They would like to squash the opposition and that would deeply wrong.Funds would work quickly and efffectively on a local level . You have no idea what a difference the money just for one part time clerical bod makes.

    Always enjoy your stuff CU which I am going to try to emulate a bit more. I was thinking one long one a week might work but it seems a bit of an imposition.

  2. n- Post early, post often.

    Party funding is not the way forward to generate candidates from outside of the westminster village.

  3. If they want more funding the parties can always have their very own super casino and if they control the local council (which I think is the organisation that will give out licenses) they can create their own monopoly and get much more money.

  4. I can't for the life of me see why parties can't be funded by whomever they like, provided they declare it to the electoral commission. It need never become public property.

    I mean, what's wrong with businessmen supporting a certain party? It's their money to do what they like with.

  5. YDKM - well, seems some are plannign that eh?

    JH - the problems with the current system have been overdone by the parties to enable this situation to come about.

  6. Anonymous12:56 pm

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