Sunday 4 February 2007

Praise indeed for Guido Fawkes

As if by magic, while hunting for links for another post (I'll save that one for another day) I found this:

Dear Dr. Guido,
I thank you very much, also on behalf of our Managing Director Dr. Keitel, for the forwarding of your book on the Hitler bunker. As we could evict, our indications have been only a supplementary help.
Thanks to your work, has been written a book on the Führer bunker able to answer to many demands, up to now outstanding. Of particular aid have been the maps, the photographs and the graphics, compiled by you, that give to the readers a vision of the site and the architecture of the bunker. Moreover, the documentation concerning the relationship established after the end of the war around the bunker has given rise to our interest.
We congratulate you heartily with the hope and firm belief that many readers will think the same and that will be able to appreciate your deep work.Best regards.

Jutta Hobbiebrunken - Director of Communication HOCHTIEF
( HOCHTIEF is the company that built the Berlin Führer bunker, in 1944) November 2002

I could not agree more, Jutta. However, I wonder whether you look identical to the man in the picture?


  1. Gordo looking his finest there.
    I shall, of course, pinch that picture and use it when I write a suitably withering assault on Broon some time hence...

  2. Yes, Guido might well have an interest in bunkers. He'll shortly need a redoubt.

  3. CU cough cough, I have read this several times now and I have to confess...I don`t get it. Its just the name is it ...?

    Shame on me I know

  4. N - you have to see the 'book' as equivalent to Guido's blog. Then it works

  5. Oh I see ....could we possibly not mention this please....

  6. Anonymous12:56 pm

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