Saturday 17 March 2007

A sane view on Global Warming

I saw this morning on the BBC, of all news outlets, a package describing some recent statements by UK based scientists. At last some people who can make sense of the furore of the last couple of weeks.

See here for the BBC report, but I have some of the key quotes below:

"I've no doubt that global warming is occurring, but we don't want to undermine that case by crying wolf." said Professor Collier of the Royal Meteorological Society

This view is shared by Professor Hardaker, the society's chief executive.

"Organisations have been guilty of overplaying the message," he says.

"There's no evidence to show we're all due for very short-term devastating impacts as a result of global warming; so I think these statements can be dangerous where you mix in the science with unscientific assumptions."

Professor Hardaker also believes that overblown statements play into the hands of those who say that scientists are wrong on climate change - that global warming is a myth.

"I think we do have to be careful as scientists not to overstate the case because it does damage the credibility of the many other things that we have greater certainty about," he said.

"We have to stick to what the science is telling us; and I don't think making that sound more sensational, or more sexy, because it gets us more newspaper columns, is the right thing for us to be doing.

"We have to let the science argument win out."


  1. I wonder what Milliband the Magnificent(not)has to say about this

  2. Anonymous8:15 pm

    The good news is that it is being talked about, but it is a case as ascertaining the real facts, instead of spinning so many different interpretations. I would have thought that scientific data was infallible, but that has not appeared to be the case, with so many scientists disagreeing.

    I shall be seeing Al Gore in Cambridge next weekend, btw.

  3. I've no doubt that global warming is occurring, but we don't want to undermine that case by crying wolf

    The IPCC report was edited down to remove the wild predictions of sensation seeking scientists using the highly variable " Positive reinforcement". theory , in their models.

    New Scientist had a story on it and all sorts of conspiracies are suggested . I think they just thought they would be laughed at

  4. There as many theories it seems as there are articles - all I know is my gas bill is lower this winter - so having used less energy, I am having less of an effect on global warming - I think !!

    Best wishes Shani

  5. JJ- Well he wants more taxes so will no doubt cal them traitors and deniers.

    E - Science is never infallible that is the point, this is what makes it different from faith. Sdaly this seems to be lost at the moment.

    N - I think the consensus is that we are doing something nasty. But how nasty? And what can we do about it? The politoc's have more answers than is reasonable for the evidence we have.

    M - Thanks for the comment. hard to know what we should all do. There are macro-economic issues we need address as well as our own micro-efforts.

  6. Anonymous12:48 pm

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