Sunday 18 March 2007

Sunday Business Round Up 18/3/07

The ten best stories rounded up from the Sunday Business Sections:

Barclays/ABN in merger talks
- now this would be a mega-deal, nearly big enough to sate Bob Diamond's mega-ego.

Brown to offer benign budget - A nice thought and a considered piece, but I doubt it...

Open skies agreement to be stymied
- mutatis mutendes.

Irwin Stelzer hates Greens - Well he should tell his friend Mr Broon in stronger terms then.

Brown to end workers rights - eh? Don't believe everything you read.

Pensions scandal shames Brown
- even The Observer can see this for the disgrace that it is.

Sainsbury's move to towards sale to Private Equity inches on - It is not a business round up without a hat-tip to Private Equity.

Online fraud grows - more care needed with your own finances?

The Pru still does nothing radical- just like last week.

Nuclear decommissioning tender - Interesting that all this work has to be done by foreign firms, some even state owned!

Happy reading.


  1. Anonymous7:30 am

    A great round-up, CU, your Sunday service is freeing up more of my own leisure time (you'll be charging for this next, like a good capitalist...)

    The 'pension shame for Brown' piece was against the run of play because elsewhere in the weekend papers (esp the Observer but even the Mail) there were plentiful signs of industrial-scale briefing by the Brownites - he's coming out of his shell, charming people over dinner, lots of good ideas, what a revelation, what a man, what a team, Ronnie Cohen a saint, etc etc

    This is all brewing up nicely! Don't forget - abolition of IHT in the 1st 100 days ...

  2. A smorgasbord from which I chose to sample the Seltzer article and very good it is . I usually like his stuff and was a good balanced piece .This the problem with questioning the Green fascists …behind it all is a degree of truth and degree of sense. I resist the state `s wish to impose furrth taxes and control with a Green ticket but I do not want to stop proper precautionary measures

    Fortunately, lurking in the flurry of political activity are some sensible ideas. It does make sense to put a price on carbon, so that the users of energy bear the costs they are imposing on society. It does make sense to shift the tax burden from growth-stifling income taxes to pollution-creating activities. It does make sense to allow polluters to trade carbon credits internationally so that the cost of reducing emissions can be minimised. It does make sense to consider the costs of any emission-reducing plans. It does make sense to consider the impact of any programme on economic growth and jobs — some pollution is worth bearing if it is more than offset by the wealth it creates.

    I noticed that Janet Daley suggested the Drew theory that Brownnwill drop stamp duty today BTW .

  3. Anonymous12:48 pm

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