Wednesday 19 December 2007

EU: Capitalism @ Work?

Sometimes the EU can just parody itself so well; it needs no Mark Steel to try and expose its flaws (where are the right-wing comedians, by the way?

Today brings us this classic tale. Our greater European government for progress has deigned that all cars need to meet strict emission standards by 2012. Personally, I think this is the way to go, regulate the market and offer incentives (cough, socialists be here though as they propose fines rather than incentives in this case...) to bring about the changes you want in an efficient way. Allow the market participants to decide how to get there. one quibble is that 2012 is not very far away in R&D terms, so i would have added another 3-5 years, but this is a thumbs up from me. I would rather our own government did this, but we don't seem to get asked about that anymore...

Anyway, back to the matter at hand. This idea has met with growls of fury from the car manufacturers, but of course. best of all, they have successfully lobbied their governments to make a storm about this. Angela Merkel has come out against and now the whole policy lies in jeopardy.

If this fails, which seems likely when the Germans and French get together against an EU idea, it just goes to show the pointlessness of the EU. It has not enough power to be a true state actor (fortunately), but has the cost and bureaucracy of several states.

This one and related green (tax) ideas will run and nowhere.


  1. Nice to see the Germans well and truly exposed for once

    schadenfreude ? moi ?

  2. This is a completely stupid idea.

    I can see the point of slapping high taxes on petrol, but this is madness with too many loopholes, too many unintended consequences and too few intended consequences.

  3. Anonymous11:44 am

    " it needs no Mark Steel to try and expose its flaws (where are the right-wing comedians, by the way?)."

    Are you trying tell me that Mark Steele is really a comedian? cant we get Trading Standards onto him ?

  4. You can be sure that when it comes to the UK's main exports being targeted, the French and the Germans won't bat an eyelid. The EU isn't supposed to be a state, it's just a way for the powerful to run 27 countries in their best interest.

    It's very unusual for German industry to be hit by EU plans, so this must come as a huge shock to them.

  5. Ed, to be fair to the Germans and German industry (but not their shithead government), the EU is run for the benefit of France, not Germany or anywhere else. So a decision to favour French carmakers over German ones is hardly surprising.

  6. "The EU isn't supposed to be a state, it's just a way for the powerful to run 27 countries in their best interest".

    You're joking of course?

  7. Anonymous11:43 am

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