Wednesday 16 January 2008

Magners fizzing out

Now, Magner's cider, thanks to some slick ad work and a nice summer a couple of years ago, cleaned up on the under-age drink market (who else drinks cider, really?). Displacing Strongbow et al from our pubs.

However, the worm has turned and the company is now in serious trouble, with perhaps its future in doubt. None of this really bothers me that much.

What has always got to me though is the advertising. Going on about the traditions of Irish cider making. What traditional Irish cider making, there is not any. Cider is an English drink from the West Country and the South.

So methinks that the world has come to its senses and decided the Magner's was not the magnificence it proclaimed.


  1. It's amazing how quickly people were "taken in" by Magners and how quickly people went off it. It seemed a novelty to lots of people (because of the bottle and serving it with ice) but then they realised that actually they didn't really like the taste.

    Anything Irish has a bit of rural nostalgia about it in marketing terms!

    I prefer Breton cider myself. Lovely stuff.

  2. there is another amusing aspect to this: the Magners advertising in the UK is high-quality, aspirational stuff, aiming at the bright young things, ABC1 or even just AB in admanspeak

    but if you've ever encountered it on home territory in Old Oireland, you'll know it's squarely associated with, how shall we put it, a rather different demographic ...

  3. Indeed ND, indeed!

    Also entertaining is that Scottish & Newcastle own the Bulmers trademark in the UK so they can't call it that (hence the invented Magners brand). S&N are selling an almost identical product under their Bulmers brand.

  4. Thanks for clearing that up. It did strike me as a bit strange that all of a sudden cider was being passed off as a traditional Irish invention.

    If I really have to drink cider, then it's White Lightening for me.

  5. Magners is a case study in successful marketing, take a low quality product, deliver it in a way that masks the shortcomings in its quality, develop a premium image and then reinforce it all via a consumption ritual.

    Start with the basic product, it’s a cheap made from concentrate cider, it’s not a “real” cider made from actual pressed apples, it’s made from a fruit concentrate. Anybody who has actually tried cider made straight from pressed apples will notice that it’s not luminous. Lots of expensive faux-pedigree advertising raises awareness, creates a brand image and stimulates initial demand. The serve over ice thing, hides the low quality by making it very cold, it also means you can’t fit a full bottle in your glass, so the distinctive bottle features prominently in the drinking experience, it sits on the table with you throughout exposing the brand to others. Finally the whole thing becomes something of a ritual, pouring over ice, the big bottle sitting on the table, topping up the glass later etc.

  6. Anonymous11:21 am

    I was at a talk by the British expert on apples. "1066 was a great year in English history.... marking the introduction Of Norman cider apples".

  7. Anonymous11:29 am

    I am old enough to remember home brewed cider from The Forest of Dean.It could destroy a six inch nail and the smell was foul!!

    I never drank it though it was too dangerous.

  8. now we're tapping (no pun intended) the true expertise of the C@W readership !

  9. Cider is an English drink ...

    Right on - and next they'll be calling Scrumpy French.

  10. I am with ND - clearly I need to do more alcohol inspired posts...

  11. I prefer still Aspell's cider from Suffolk, it's really scrummy.

  12. Anonymous9:45 am

    I thought it was ok.

  13. Anonymous11:37 am

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