Monday 5 May 2008

England Expects

An accepted leader has only to be sure of what it is best to do. If he trips, he must be sustained. If he makes mistakes, they must be covered. If he sleeps, he must not be wantonly disturbed. If he is no good, he must be poleaxed.

- Winston Churchill

OK you Labour MPs out there, you know it’s true, you’ve got 6 weeks, what are you going to do about it ?



  1. Do it now. Why wait 6 weeks?

  2. What is the 6 weeks about? The next deadline is in Crewe and Nantwich which is what three weeks away?

  3. The 6 weeks must refer to last May.

    The voters have done what they can. Difficult to think they could have done more. It is really up to the PLP now. All this technical stuff about collecting signatures and getting Conference to vote massively for Brown's removal is just hiding. Take him down before he gets a second wind.

  4. HG is right, BE, click on the link

    (it's to the very first post I made on CU)

  5. All 5 of the comments on that old post,and the post itself. All correct.

    As I read elsewhere today.. get rid of him.
    He's had more launches than NASA

  6. It's going to be awful between now and the General Election

  7. Jeremy - I know what you mean (and Labour MPs must be in utter despair; couldn't happen to a nicer bunch)

    but I am left wondering what will be the true power-base at the top:

    - Brown a mere cipher, strapped onto his horse in the El Cid position by Ed Balls ?

    - or by the Cabinet collectively ?

    - or by the civil service ?

    - or actually still in charge, lashing out madly in all directions ?

    (His wife could play a major role, if she had the will to do so. But there has been no sign of this.)

    Matthew Parris reckons Brown's psychological condition, however dire, is in fact stable ...

    There is a frightening opportunity for a Rasputin in all this.

  8. Nothing will change I am afraid, the Labour party will lumber on with him at the 'controls'. Only they won't be doing much if anything apart from looking at the books and seeing all the red build up and then realising they can't raise taxes.

    time for scorched earth tactics methinks!

  9. Anonymous11:03 am

    It's extremely difficult to challenge for the leadership in the Labour Party, due to their rules. Someone would have to wait until the party conference to get support to topple him, by which time it will be too late.

  10. Anonymous9:20 pm

    You could market that photo as a diet aid. It put me right off my dinner.

    I used to wish the PM would smile more. Now I don't.

  11. Anonymous11:11 am

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