Sunday 4 May 2008

Sunday Business Round Up

Quite hard to focus on the business sections today when the Tories in the UK have won a set of elections by landslide for the first time in my adult life. Still, the business news continues to be varied and interesting in these times. Even Gordon Brown in various interviews this morning admitted that the economic situation would make or break his premiership; things are not looking good for him then, are they?

Yahoo/Micrsoft off - Deal of the centruy no more. Perhaps they read about AOL/Time Warner?

Tax Fisticuffs - Company executives are serious about their opposition to Government tax changes.

UK Mortgage Woe - Building societies struggle to find money to lend...

Barclays under the spotlight - Bank asked to explain why it is so different to HBOS and RBS that it does not need to raise any more capital.

Bottom for the banks? - A report that hedge funds are closing their short positions. Perhaps though this is becuase of the difficulty of reflecting prices pre and post rights issues.

Jarvis to be sold - This time for only £100 million.

Emirates saws above BA - The UAE airlines shows the benefit of being backed by Sovereign Wealth funds.

New Order - The Telegraph 20 will show us the real UK economy, more so than the FTSE100. Not such I bad idea..

BAE A OK - BAE to be cleared in investigation into business practices.

Olympic costs - Set to rise even more, will this never end!!


  1. Anonymous1:45 pm

    Boris should grasp the nettle and expel the Olympics.

  2. Better than that. You know that job he was promising to ex-mayor livingstone....

    Something along the lines of Olympic budget coordinator i think.

  3. Ken admits that he used the Olympics as a spending Trojan Horse so it seems likely that his supporters will be cheering every cost increase because all spending is good spending, right?

  4. The Olympics is going to get out of control I think, in that the costs are already high but as we get nearer they will accelerate as contractors get the government over a barrel.

  5. Anonymous11:58 pm

    I know of several contractors who were all told that was no work for them on the Olympics. They were told there was not even any point registering for standby work as they already had all the men and machinery they required.

    If it starts to look unlikely to be delivered on time they will gladly rush to help. You can be very sure it will not be at their original rate though.

  6. "Emirates saws..." have they diversified into forestry?

  7. Anonymous11:11 am

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