Tuesday 12 August 2008

The Bear Welcomes You To His Chess-game

In a previous incarnation I spent a number of years studying the Bear and its military. Somewhat immodestly I shall quote from the C@W predictions for 2008

"after the Olympics Russia will make a provocative intervention in another country, just to prove it can"

Pausing briefly to acknowledge the timing error, we should elaborate this point. Russia is often best thought of as a testy old man camped out at a dusty village tavern with a chess-board and several bottles on his table. He looks sluggish and overweight. But he’s seen you coming; he is full of contempt and resentment; and if you sit down at his table he will wipe the floor with you at whichever of his two favourite sports you challenge him.

The Bear has grudges aplenty and, well tanked-up on oil & gas revenues, is in the mood to do something about it. Noting that China has been acting with impunity, and assessing a window of US lame-duck weakness, he sees a fine opportunity to roll back some of the geopolitical gains made right across the Former Soviet Union by the contemptible ‘only superpower’. Whoever is the next US President can expect to start from a position a good few miles further to the west and the south than Cheney would have wanted: Georgia chastised, the Ukraine chastened, and the ‘Stans all realizing that when push comes to shove, they are on their own.

The key feature of chess is that both sides can see all the other’s pieces and dispositions. Cunning and understanding are all. Do we credit GW with either ? or GB ?



  1. That was a good prediction.

    As to timing, the Russkies learned the lesson of the 1980 Olympics (they should have invaded Afgh afterwards, not before, what a PR disaster that was!) and this time gambled on Olympics keeping Georgia off the front pages, which sort of half succeeded.

    So the war will be over before the final medal is handed out, no doubt.

  2. Anonymous3:12 pm

    Well, I was and so possibly still am, somewhat of an authority, literally, on the old USSR armies and tactics in Europe. It was all part of my forces training and duties for a time. So I think the long term effects for Russia are more relevant than whether they are winning a PR war.

    So here we go with my humble take.

    The vast bulk of the old USSR satellites hate Russia, with a real passion, and would gladly love to kick them in the balls. So Russia is, very stupidly and short term..ly(?) is making a real rod of hate for it's own back that it could very much regret in the future as these satellites start to resist against a wider Russian federation. Apart from that Russia is building up it's own massive problem with breakaway regions, which is more about what this is, showing their strength.

    So Russia is facing a huge problem from breakaway regions (did you think Czechnya was a one off? Not on your life, and the Ruskies haven't won there) and also the fact that they do not and never have made good soldiers, at least not in enough numbers; their culture won't allow it and those who were the cream of their armies and cultural marshal traditions they culled many years ago...in short they are fucking useless if things start to go badly except for weight of numbers.

    The USA learned many decades ago, from Britain BTW, that a softly softly approach worked very well for the long term when it comes to expansion and empire building. Russia still thinks it is a world power in their region because they are the biggest and haven't learned the lessons of their recent past.

    The Russians will be the ultimate losers here because of cretins like Putin.

  3. Anonymous6:35 pm

    A friend of mine recently wanted a map of some property his company had purchased oop North. By far the best available was a Soviet targetting map. You can buy them now, apparently. Much superior, he happened to be in a position to tell me, than our targetting maps of the USSR. On reflection, that may well be because they had far more spies here than we had there.

  4. perhaps, Mark, but I wonder whether they don't actually enjoy rubbing everyone's noses in this, so 'after' works as well as 'during', we shall see

    houdini - thanks for pitching in, your's is a slightly different perspective on this to mine

    dearieme - are they available online ??

  5. This new found Russian scares me and there seems nothing that we can do about it. I hope Georgia retruns / can become a viable sovereign state again soon.

  6. Russia have learnt that opposition to their actions only comes in verbal retorts.

    They must be feeling very smug right now.

  7. Is it any of our business? Georgia has never had a stable border and the history of actions close to the border , Ireland , Israel US is all a bit murky , you don't fuck around ,close to home.
    I must take issue with this habitual dissing of George Bush , as I have (plug plug ) blogged today , he has got the basics right and should the US decide to let the EU/(or ghostbusters ?) sort out the next problem we will all be in the merde

    I am disappointed that such a well respected thingy as Nick Drew should fall into this lazy Liberal Bush bating From such a revered and sage like analyst it is indeed a let down....etc.

  8. isnt this russian belligerence another useful tick in the plus column for investment in our own clean coal technology? perhaps if we werent so reliant on their gas, putin wouldnt be so smug?

  9. Roy, Richard, Letters - yes, Putin feels pretty cocky just now, and he's parlayed his current strength into some handy short-term gains.

    Long-term is a different matter, for sure - but it does rather hinge on the adroitness of our own decision-making. For example, I agree with Roy on coal, of course, but let's see Brown or indeed the Tories do anything tangible about it

    Mr Mania - that crashing sound you hear is the revered sage thingy stomping over to have words at your place

  10. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Putin was supposed to have stepped down - but now we know he is really still pulling the strings. Old habits die hard. Russia slips back into totalitarianism and now the rest of us know exactly where we stand.

    I suspect that this adventure was nothing more than more posturing from the old KGB cold-warrior flexing those aging muscles of his. Did he have intentions to do more in Georgia? Did the sudden decline in the rouble and the Russian stockmarket as money started to pour out of Russia cause him to pull back? They are not quite as wealthy as the Beeb/Grauniad would have us believe.

    Those Ruskies need to keep a closer eye on the Chinese. They have good reason for turning on an underpopulated Russia for the age old reason of liebensraum. The Chinese know how to fight. Not communist comrades now, although no doubt the Chinese are happy to go along with playing that game if it means that they get to know plenty about the Russian military.

  11. So you don’t consider the American training and Israeli equipment to be just a little bit provocative? It’s a rough neck of the woods down there and insults alone won’t keep the republics in order.

  12. Good post. Its prompted me to put down my thoughts about these countries joining NATO. I have been concerened for a while that it wasn't a good idea and hat it will lead to the ventual demise of NATO, if not literally but in practice, as it won't be able to apply the principle of an attack on one being an attack on all.

  13. yes, anon, the Russians have good cause to fear the Chinese - and they do. I spent a year in Russia in the '90s and encountered much fear & loathing, not to mention other negative sentiments

    Wolfie - I'd even guess it's meant to be, which is rather lacking in the statesmanship dept, especially where face means quite a lot

    GS - yes, there would inevitably be a first- and second-class membership distinction, which would then opensthe question as to who falls into which category ...

    the first issue when holding nukes is, does anyone believe you'd ever use them ? (Israeli nukes are quite cost-effective in that regard)

  14. Anonymous10:43 am

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