Friday 15 August 2008

Guardian Cat Fight ! Bunting Decks Toynbee

No biting or gouging please, ladies ...

One conflict after another this week as a different pair of feuding foes square up. This time it's the Gruaniad's Madeleine Bunting, giving her take on Scandinavian society:

"It's easy to romanticise the welfare priority and democratic values, but it's all built on very un-British restrictions of freedom"

So what, do I hear you mutter ? So, la Bunting's dear friend Polly Toynbee, she of the serial crushes on successive socialist hopefuls, is known to harbour a slightly different view. Well, very different ...

"the most successful societies the world has ever known"

Game on ! this will not go unanswered, I confidently predict. No biting or gouging please, ladies.

Incidentally, though I don't have the reference to hand, Sackerson hosted a fantastic comment several months ago from a reader who had detailed insight into the extraordinarily repressive nature of Swedish society. It made chilling reading - Sackers, can you oblige ?



  1. I love it when people say that they can design society starting with a blank piece of paper. Not even the "founding fathers" tried that. Won't stop Polly and her ilk.

  2. we must keep her hot little hands off the tiller, BE

    here's another bit of Bunting that's right on point:

    "... the need for 100% "social control" in which "everyone works together": you could call it consensual authoritarianism, and it is profoundly foreign to most Britons. Despite the persistent illusions of the liberal left, it's part of why the Scandinavian welfare state has been one of the region's least successful exports"

    Take that, Polly ! Maddy, you go girl

  3. There was an article I referenced:

    ... here: (4th August)

    ... was that the one?

  4. Anonymous10:37 pm

    Sweden is a horrible place in many ways... nice for a visit but not for any one normal to live...

  5. That is the loveliest photo. After repeated visits to look at it, I have chosen the flying cat rather than the defensive one as my favourite.

    Oh, and I liked 'consensual authoritarianism ' too.

  6. that's the one Sackers, thanks

    cats and consensuals - glad you approve HG, we aim to please

  7. Anonymous10:42 am

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