Thursday 14 August 2008

Oil and Nuclear Power

Back in the 1980s, after the massive oil-price hikes of 1973 and 1979, scenario planners at BP conceived the notion of ‘One Last Shock’. Their thesis was that the world could take a third and final oil-price surge, but no more: Something Else would happen to prevent there being another. Energy substitution, perhaps.

Now nuclear power is certainly an alternative source of energy, but it can mean something else as well.

The geopolitics of oil are never far from the headlines: and now events in Georgia have seen the two Cold War protagonists fronting up to each other again (troops only a few miles apart).

Here are a couple of ways of looking at things.

Few of the ‘unarmed’ nations would have the slightest difficulty in rectifying their position (and indeed one might surmise a couple of them have contingency plans).

Now the other way around:

Notice anything ?

If we were to think briefly about the big holders of oil reserves, Iran and Saudi Arabia come immediately to mind. Ponder on.



  1. Anonymous10:37 am

    Oil is a commodity which, while hugely important, is on the decline and re-newables are beginning to appear in ever increasing numbers and getting cheaper and more viable.

    Nuclear, sure, wind, probably, solar, definitely, and they all have a cumulative effect on oil as a stable commodity as they grow in stature.

    I seriously think that renewables could grow like the computer industry and the analogy is interesting; a few decades of being the sole preserve of nerds and dreamers, but suddenly the world is awash with them and can't do without them to the detriment of traditional commodities.

    The likes of this must make big oil produces like Russia think twice;

    I know most of this is pie in the sky, but it takes only one single breakthrough to kill oil and our dependence on it, and that could happen with the amount of new and massive money being thrown at new technology which is carbon neutral or free.

    I'm investing in renewables, small amounts until I see who is going to flourish.

  2. Ah yes, but we also know that Islamic nations are rubbish at technology (which is why they need Westerners to run their oil fields, sell them fighter planes etc), so no way will they get nukes without outside help, which will not be forthcoming in large measures (hopefully).

  3. Anonymous3:22 pm

    Is nobody interested in hydro electricity these days?


    I'm really looking forward to going back to wind powered ships and solar powered lorries.

    Someone needs to get on with knocking up some synthetic fossil fuels instead of trying to run a country on a bunch of windmills.

  4. Not quite sure what you are saying , that the Oil countries could easily be invaded?
    I was amazed to see how much Oil therte was in Africa , it hardly ever gets a mention

  5. Mr Houdini - so renewables are what you plan for your escape-trick: as a matter of interest (if I may ask), what are you investing in ?

    Mark - I've never been quite sure how to view Pakistan in that light ...

    Mr Sumo - actually, hydro might be very interesting for the UK: not indigenous, because we don't have the topography, but from Norway. A link is being planned.

    The importance of this is that hydro is what makes wind-power vaguely useful: it can pick up the 'intermittancy' slack like nothing else, which is why they just about manage to get into double-figure %'s of wind in Denmark and N.Germany - they get back-up hydro from Norway.

    Until we get some too, wind is a bad joke for us.

    Mr M - not saying anything, really, just lining up the pieces on the board and seeing what they're wearing when they come to the party

  6. Anonymous6:36 pm

    Mr Houdini - so renewables are what you plan for your escape-trick: as a matter of interest (if I may ask), what are you investing in ?

    Long term sure.

    A couple of smaller wind turbine companies which appear to be doing well, especially in Spain where the technology is helped along greatly by Government, but any investment right now is small beer.

    Who would have predicted ten years ago that we are on the brink of seeing electric cars taking a small but growing share of the market or that a British luxury electric powered luxury sports car would debut? It's still early days but the writing is on the wall.

  7. Nick, didn't Pakistan have to rely on North Korea for its nuclear stuff, who are, frankly, belligerent but rubbish? I can't see any other country helping out Pakistan.

  8. Anonymous10:43 am

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