Monday 25 August 2008

Off topic - Wednesday's Olympic reaction today

Here we go, our heroes from China back with us and the news channels saved - a story of sorts to turn with through the bank holiday.

I have loved the Olympics and it is great to see us do well for a change and in contrast to our Football team; But I know what is coming next, a dearth of stories in the press. What to do?

The reframe.

How can we compare these heroes to the past, they have had so much money lavished on them? How can we compare them to the true heroes who are our soldiers fighting wars?
Did they do it for GB or are they all actually extremely selfish, dedicated individuals who won golds for themselves having trained all their lives for it?

Please stick other predictive columns in the comments, we can tot up how many we get right on Friday.


  1. Did they do it for GB or are they all actually extremely selfish, dedicated individuals who won golds for themselves having trained all their lives for it?

    The latter. Next.

  2. Anonymous11:09 pm

    Most of these didn't have money lavished on them at all, though they did benefit more than previous years.

    The ones who did have money lavished on them was the athletics team that did worse than most previous years despite the money lavished on them, all except the probable, very likely in fact, drug cheat Christine Ohuruogu of course.

    I loved the Olympics this time for the array of sports we won at and because the over paid, over coddled useless fuckers of the athletics track were given little air time compared to the real heroes that brought home the bacon.

  3. Best 'fake' PR story so far..
    The plane coming back from China had to be specially recalibrated because of the weight of all the gold medals.. Radio 5 live.

    Yeah.. right. that extra 20 kg or 1 suitcase equivalent could have caused a real problem.

  4. What was particularly disturbing was Brown's speech (with his back to the troops and, naturally, facing the Press) to the carefully assembled military at Camp Bastion as he stopped off in Afghanistan en route to China.

    In it he compared the soldiers on the front line to Olympic heroes.

    No, I am not making this up.

    The military were very unimpressed. I suppose it's quite difficult for them to equate being attacked and having to fight for their lives daily with getting on a bicycle and peddling around a velodrome, or getting into a boat and rowing or sailing like crazy for a while. I have some sympathy with that point of view.

    Then again, the troops will have noted yet another manifestation of the curious phenomenon of Brown's voice appearing to emanate from his arse - in every sense.

  5. >> Did they do it for GB

    No, I suspect that they did it for themselves first, and the UK second.

    I very (very) much doubt that they did it for Gordon.

  6. It is hardly in keeping with the Olympic ideal to pay people NOT to pursue a career, simply in order to win medals. They can't all become TV commentators in retirement, after all.

    Don't pay the buggers - just build the facilities and encourage talented yougsters to get involved. Given the dominance of our cycling team, the Commonwealth velodrome in Manchester and its facilities have clearly done the trick. Money well spent, if gold was the objective. I'd like to think that it will get more people onto bikes as well, some of whom might become sporting cyclists.

  7. Well, I still expect to see the raft of articles tomorrow and thurs in the dead tree press.

  8. Anonymous10:40 am

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  9. Anonymous1:30 pm


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