Tuesday 26 August 2008

BBC 3 . Get them young

Continuing a look at the value of the BBC. BBC 3 is the "Yoof" channel. Aimed at the advertisers favourite 18-34 audience it is a mix of comedy, eastenders, drama/ docu drama and chat.

Main programs are Little Britain, Lilly Allen and friends, family guy and that two packets of crisps show that seems to run forever. The audience is 2.6% among 25-34 year olds, and 1.7% among all individuals, although the % may be more as the station does not run during the day { it uses the CBBC stream}. The station has a budget of 93million pounds a year, which is considered quite large in the media world.

Defenders of the channel point out Gavin and Stacy, Sex..with Mum & Dad.. Funland,..Man Stroke Woman.. Doctor Who Confidential and Torchwood are all successful shows that have transfered to other channels, having got their start on BBC3.

Critics point out that they are good enough to be made by any network and don't need taxpayers funding,plus the costs of running an extra channel, to be aired.

There is a lot of truth in that. "Edgy" or alternative format comedy has been being made for a long time. Frost report, Not the nine o'clock news, Blackadder, Hyperdrive, Buzzcocks,Spaced, The Young Ones plus many many more homegrown and from overseas.

As the Guardian said

The BBC's accounts for the year to March 31 2007 showed that the true cost of BBC3, when distribution and infrastructure support are taken into account, is £119m, or roughly £600m if this figure is extrapolated over five years.

That's an awful lot of licence fee payers cash for not that many viewers, some would argue. Does it continue to be money well spent?

Answers in the comments please.


  1. Anonymous9:05 am

    Does it continue to be money well spent?

    So you've decided it is already money well spent and just want a counter argument?

    The BBC as a whole is a waste and draconian tax. No other country in the world calling itself a democracy would stand for it.

  2. "Does it continue to be money well spent?"
    The comment is the Guardian's.

    The BBC money well spent ?

    BBC3 + BBC4 .radio 6 + 7 + sport extra. Unlikely, even with all the media and digital multi-platform technology investment.
    If the costs of these channels could come down then maybe there would be an argument for retention within the overall BBC.
