Tuesday 26 August 2008

The Stealth Tax that is Non-Enforcement of the Law

We know that crime costs us money, not least by way of increased insurance premiums. Sometimes one gets an inkling of just how much.

Today I had the annual pleasure of renewing my car insurance, as part of which process I was offered additional cover against the eventuality of suffering at the hands of an uninsured driver, of which there are estimated to be well over a million. Living in Saaf London, I confidently assume I travel the same roads as a goodly number of the uninsured, (whose documentation is likely to be deficient in more ways than one): so I accepted, and can thus put a personal price on this particular little crime.

Such crimes – lack of car tax and lack of insurance – must be some of the easiest offences to detect, prove and punish. Vehicles tend to poke their noses out into the world of surveillance cameras, and are themselves assets – presumably of some value to the driver, if not much to the motor trade.

The usual reason for a policy of ignoring crime is to keep the numbers in check and assure us that “crime is down”. In this case, to find it is to be able to prosecute it, so one would imagine it would boost the clear-up rates rather nicely.

So one can be fairly certain that the reason these laws are enforced with such dilatory negligence is that various NuLab client groups are disproportionately involved. Result – privatisation of the consequences, and a yet another tax on the law-abiding.

The list of parallels – TV licences, fly-tipping etc ad nauseam must be lengthy. It would be interesting to know (a) if instructions to go easy on selected ‘demographics’ have ever been issued in writing; and (b) if any think-tank is making a systematic reckoning of this doubly-disguised stealth-tax.This, surely, represents a target for tax-cuts that George Osborne could sign up to.


PS – any comment starting with the words “well, overall crime is down” may receive an uncharacteristically discourteous response


  1. Aha, that's all covered in the MW manifesto.

    The State benefits from increased insurance premiums in the form of insurance premium tax. So they have no particular interest in getting crime and insurance down, the client group favours notwithstanding.

    Flip it on its head and roll insurance premium tax into Land Value Tax, and hey-ho, The State will benefit if it gets crime down (low crime areas = higher house prices = higher land values = higher LVT receipts).

  2. No cameras required. L'etat has a database of cars which are uninsured, and a database of cars which are untaxed. In fact the DVLA sends out reminders in advance and presumably could prosecute if the next fee is not paid. Not very difficult to prove and only about one defence (oh! and you now have to register the vehicle as off-the-road so no excuses there either). All it would take would be a sweep of the database on a monthly basis.

    Instead, we have coppers out patrolling the streets with special cameras designed to - get this - recognise the number plates, check the database and flag up any with unpaid tax or insurance.

    Pure madness.

  3. Anonymous5:42 pm

    I believe that,as of January 07, there were well over 2 million un-taxed vehicles on the UK's roads, up from 1.5 million in 2005.

    In effect, this makes car tax a tax on the honest.

    I wonder how many of these 2 million + vehicles are also poorly serviced, so that they put out more emissions than the vehicles that are serviced?

    But then, if you're not going to tax or insure a car, you're hardly going to be worried about failing an MOT, are you?

  4. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Overall crime is down only because so few people wear overalls these days.

  5. Mark - then you can be my Chancellor :+)

    ... and BE Home Secretary

    Lakelander - yup, we may imagine these offences are highly clustered

    Dearieme - overall crime is not down, it's just that people are reporting stolen overalls less, and the authorities are frigging the figures on the wearing of overalls

  6. Overall grime is up though

  7. I re-taxed both cars on-line yesterday Nick.

    They have every detail on file and it took minutes to relieve me of over 300 quid.

    I just cannot believe that the 'authorities' are trying to eliminate non-payment of tax, insurance etc.

    It would be delightful if an untaxed uninsured car driven by a coke-crazed nutter was to smash into a limo full of politicians, leaving all of them mangled and maimed, and we could all watch the ways they try to deal with that particular little crash at HQ...

  8. And as someone pointed out recently, illegal downloaders of music etc are all being hounded for payment. The ISPs are giving up the addresses.

    Pity they don't do this with child porn...

  9. Scrobs - you are a dangerous radical ! Careful, or you might put ideas ...

  10. Anonymous12:47 pm

    I re-taxed both cars...

    You are John Prescott and I claim my £5.

  11. I agree this is a feckin annoying issue, and it seems like blue eyes has a potential answer to it. but if a more proactive use of the database doesn't work then maybe there's a way of linking licences to insurance.

    PS. Crime is down overall...

  12. Lord Asda - Ihave long reckoned that Prescott comments here under a range of monikers

    ... you never seem him and toryboys together in the same room, do you ?

    shouldn't mock TB, though, he introduced us to Tom P - Tom, how are you ? (pushing your luck a bit, I notice)

  13. Lord Asda - eat your heart (30 pence per pound on the deli counter, liver extra...) out!

    Mine's a 'P' Renault and Mrs S's is a 'V' Super Punto Maserati - don't you ever read the blog eh???

    Prescott is the most reviled idiot ever to get in the way of electric current in this Turret!

    Thanks for noticing though...


  14. Nick, I promise that I'm not Prescott!

    Ask Lilith, she knows...

    And I'm not a Radical...I can't grow them; they bolt and split in our soil. I might try 'China Rose' next year though, which have a certain tolerance to the conditions prevailing in our vegetable garden.

    And I want an answer to bashing into politician's cars too...

  15. Hi Nick

    Well someone had to rise to the bait!

    Where abouts are you in Sarf Lahndan then? We live mid-way between brixton and camberwell and fly-tipping is a real problem. I wish I could think of a good 'nudge' to sort this out that didn't involve a cattle-prod.

  16. born in Fort 'Neaf, Tom, and still living in God's Borough (Croydon, natch)

    cattle prods, eh ? - you should join us on this side of the fence (liberal = conservative who hasn't been mugged yet etc ...)

  17. Anonymous10:39 am

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