Monday 29 September 2008

US Bail out bill fails; Dow down 750

Now what?

I can't face looking at my portfolio in the morning....


  1. You and me both.

  2. Anonymous12:26 am

    Wonder what this means for the future? It's not as though this hasn't been thought about over the last few months.

    Well, whatever it means, we'll surely live in interesting times for a wee while yet.

  3. Anonymous7:26 am

    trying not to get swept away, we should all try to imagine, with as clear a head as possible: what, looking back 10 years from now, will we wish we'd done this week?

    one likely answer has to be: average down

  4. My pension fund sinks closer to zero, my flat is collapsing in value. I think it's time for a cup of tea and a sit down.

  5. bloody Fortis, I am holding pref's ...

    still, that cell of yours in the debtors' prison looks quite comfortable, CU

    double bed, eh ?

  6. Flat because am at Tory conference. Gutted.

  7. Falls spilling into the retail today too.

  8. Anonymous10:33 am

    For someone not too keen on bailouts you seem particularly upset that this one has failed? The impact on stock-markets woken you up to the fall-out?

    A bad bail-out is far better than no bail-out at all.

  9. well things turned out not too bad today. I guess 5% was enough to quell most things.

    Still very worried about RBS making through the week. Hope they will as that would be a final push.

    At least my gold investment is avergaging out my losses over all.

    Sage advice from anon - average down. Sadly all-in at the mo to try that one any more.....

    still, last day of job today and new one to start on monday. Perhaps best not to check the share prices too much for a few days!

  10. Anonymous4:51 pm

    What do you mean, average down?

  11. average down means buying more shares in companies that you already invested in, even though the price has dropped.

    so if you bought at £1, then the price dropped to 80p and you bought the same amount again, your 'average' price will be 90p. Thus when the eventual recovery comes, you will be back in the black quicker.

  12. Anonymous10:48 am

    That's cunning. If you peeps are planning to average down, I might get a bit of tessa. Have got a bit of money I'm not going to need for a few years. Though I might wait till things start going up again as I'm relatively risk averse.

  13. Anonymous10:26 am

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