Saturday 15 November 2008

G20 - New Labour rules the World

This may seem like an odd title. but I belive it to be true.

With George Bush overseeing things rather than Barack Obama, there is not much the US can agree too. Further more some of the more outlandish ideas, like moving back to the Gold Standard need to be considered over a period of time.

So what we will be left with is an agreement that something needs to be done. This will be tax cuts for all, which have already been pre-announced, a reduction in interest rates, which also have already been done and an agreement for another meeting to discuss Global financial oversight for February 09 when Obama is in power.

So, in effect, we will have a New Labour meeting. No new news, just a re-hash of what has already been done and put on in a nice spinny manner for public consumption. Sadly, we all know now how ineffective a means of government this is.

I wonder if they will even get Madelson and Campbell to draft the final speeches?


  1. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Broon is hard at work selling out Tibet to the Chinese ect in order to make sure the bond markets dont buckle when he asks them to underwrite his 2010 manifesto.

    Brown is like an unwelcome guest at a wake.He is a 100% Shister.

  2. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Nelson Mandelason was a successful President of South Africa, as future New Labour history books will reveal.

  3. oops dearime! well spotted.

    This is what happens when you blog with a 1 yr old on yor lap.

  4. Anonymous7:18 am

    Sorry that should be of course "shyster"

    too much saturday night wine :0)

  5. > outlandish ideas, like moving back to the Gold Standard

    NO! Money is a proxy for the amount of productive-time exchanged in the economy. The only advantage of gold is that its volume increases slowly.

  6. Anonymous10:09 am

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