Sunday 16 November 2008

We started the fire

On reading the Times yesterday I cam across George Osborne's exact broadside against Brown over the currency devaluation. This has got Brown very hot under the collar, it is copied below:
Mr Osborne suggests that Mr Brown “doesn’t care” how much he borrows. “His view is he probably won’t win the next election. The Tories can clear this mess up after I’ve gone. That is deeply irresponsible. It’s a scorched-earth policy, which I think the history books will write up as a total disaster and which the public will see through between now and the election.”
Both Nick Drew and I started this theme of Scorched Earth a year ago. We even had unfunded tax cuts as a key policy idea for this. A bit of google history searching shows The Speccie linked to us and took on the idea and from there it went mainstream.

Glad to know we can indirectly get up the PM's nose when he is in such bombastic posture.


  1. Good work gentlemen!

  2. Yes, good work you Guys - The Sunday Telegrout now has a leader saying it too.

    Funny; I didn't expect that...

  3. Scrobs, Osborne also has a piece in the Telegrope slagging The Leader.

    I do believe some of it is getting round the BBC.

  4. You've earned your satisfaction.

  5. If it is not on capitalists@work it's not worth knowing.

  6. Go easy on the self-love chaps, that's how New Labour got into this sorry mess in the first place.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry about messing that up. scorched earth&btnG=Google Search&meta=

  10. >> we can indirectly get up the
    >> PM's nose

    Is that how you were picked?
