Saturday 20 December 2008

What a Difference a Month Makes - eh, Polly ?

Here she is in November, spinning for Brown for all she's worth:

"Even if unemployment reaches 3 million, that still leaves 90% in secure jobs. Most people will suffer not at all in this recession: on the contrary they will do well as prices fall and the real value of their earnings rises" - Polly Toynbee, 25 November

Reasons not to despair: anyone on benefits and state pensions gets a 5.2% rise when inflation may hit zero. At worst, 90% of people are in secure jobs and pay rises may exceed inflation" - Polly Toynbee, 29 November

Well, she got a bit of stick for those two: and so ...

Unemployment makes people ill, like a plague sweeping the country, devastating families in its wake ... it has always left behind broken spirits: some lose the will or nerve to work, others prefer unemployment to facing the fall in status in a lesser job. It's always the young unskilled in most peril: create another lost generation and we store up social calamities rolling on to their future children" - Polly Toynbee, 20 December

What price consistency, eh ? Can't wait for her 2009 predictions. Her forecast for 2008 ?

I hazard the guess 2008 may be another year when hyperventilating gloomsters have exaggerated"

Here's hyperventilating ...



  1. Anonymous8:12 pm

    The next time that ***** speaks the truth will be the first.

  2. I am hugely surprised that Polly hasn't sold her Tuscan Villa and given the proceeds to the Labour Party. What can she be thinking?

  3. Shooting fish in a barrel...

  4. Anonymous8:03 am

    What would we do without her?

  5. I posted your piece on Cif and its still there, hope you don't mind but I do like a bit of polly baiting.

  6. Lilith is right. Think of the money she has made by owning a property priced in euros.
    No wonder she loves Gordoom again.
    Now, if he can just do something to raise house prices in North London...

  7. What Polly really needs is to meet with reality. Like coming back to her London town house to find it has been burgled and trashed by some feral kids doing "community service orders" rather than porridge, and then finding that the plod are too busy to do more than give her a crime reference number for her insurance claim. Then the insurance loss adjuster turns up and finds she is woefully underinsured...

    Now that would cheer me up!

    The Penguin

  8. Lilith - you certainly sound surprised !

    Bill - it's easy I know, but sometimes it's fun

    Elby - yes, the gaiety of the nation would be greatly reduced (& my blood pressure)

    Mitch / Rockinghorse - OK by me (but a LINK would be even better !)

    Bill - I seem to recall she's a Clapham Common badger-watcher, in fact

    (in between flights to Chiantishire)

    Penguin ! - season of Goodwill, if you please !

  9. Anonymous9:57 am

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