Friday 23 January 2009

Sports personality of the year

Friday fun.

In the spirit of the Olympics today's competition is to match the personality to the sport.
Remember, there are no wrong answers. Except to "Do Nothing"

A}Dragon Boat Racing
E}Ballroom Dancing
H}Table Tennis

1] David Cameron
2] Nick Clegg
3] Arthur Scargill
4] George Osbourne
5] William Hague
6] Margaret Beckett
7] Peter Mandelson
8] John Prescott
9] Jacqui Smith
10] Gordon Brown
11] Boris Johnson
12] Ken Livingston
13] John Major
14] Ian Blair


  1. Anonymous2:53 pm

    Leaving the easy ones aside I seem to have Ken left for skiing?
    Is this correct?

  2. Anonymous4:36 pm

    Well surely Gordon Brown should head the list for shooting?

  3. It's definitely Boris Johnson. He's good with a raquet and plays racquet sports, has balls and hits as if with a big stick.

    Got to be Bojo.

  4. Some confusion I see..
    Here are some starters..

    Boris Johnson - Ping Pong {wiff waff's coming home}
    John Major - cricket. {long time fan.Got booted from office and immediately went to Lords in relief}
    William Hague - Judo {once promised to reduce fear of crime by coming round and sitting in your front room at night. I may have misremembered that, but it was some sort of learn martial arts policy. He is a blue belt himself I believe}

    Ian Blair .. too easy!

  5. Anonymous11:56 pm

    1] David Cameron: N}Cycling
    2] Nick Clegg F}Gymnastics
    3] Arthur Scargill I}Skiing
    4] George Osbourne G}Sailing
    5] William Hague J}Judo
    6] Margaret Beckett M}NFL
    7] Peter Mandelson E}Ballroom Dancing
    8] John Prescott K}Croquet
    9] Jacqui Smith A}Dragon Boat Racing
    10] Gordon Brown D}Soccer
    11] Boris Johnson H}Table Tennis
    12] Ken Livingston C}Golf
    13] John Major B}Cricket
    14] Ian Blair L}Shooting

    whats the prize

  6. Anon.. Close enough

    1] David Cameron:
    2] Nick Clegg: NFL {he's a rookie}
    3] Arthur Scargill :Soccer {what a striker}
    4] George Osbourne G}Sailing
    5] William Hague J}Judo
    6] Margaret Beckett Dragon Boat Racing {youve seen her boat right?}
    7] Peter Mandelson E}Ballroom Dancing
    8] John Prescott K}Croquet
    9] Jacqui Smith:Gymnastics {she twists and turns and spins. |Soon to be a spectacular dismount}
    10] Gordon Brown Golf {for a bogey}
    11] Boris Johnson H}Table Tennis
    12] Ken Livingston Skiing {on the piste}
    13] John Major B}Cricket
    14] Ian Blair L}Shooting

    Prize .. ahh ...maybe next time.

  7. Anonymous9:47 am

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