Monday 16 February 2009

Brown For Global Regulator ? - Saints Preserve Us

Jackie -
say it ain't so !

As jokes go, this is a ba-ad one.
If he needs a lifeboat, his local one is here.



  1. Anonymous10:05 am


    So there's no conspiracy?
    One that goes back years?
    One that any economist with more than one brain cell could find?
    One that death of Fiat economy must inevitably create in corrupt govts in denial?

    Watch and learn!

  2. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Joke? Right? He's incompetent, economical with the truth & hasn't managed to balance the books since 2002..... Wouldn't trust him with my pension - oh s***!

  3. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Bearing in mind that you are protesting about yet another Regulator, why did I first read the letters down the side of the picture as OfGob?

  4. Anonymous4:38 pm

    After the assault by the French nuclear submarine on a British one today, with the lame excuse that all the guidance systems were not working (Hey! In a nuclear sub'!!!) the British may get all the economic bad news off the Front Pages by the good old fashioned was of starting a war against the French. The first voices have been raised already.

  5. anon (1) - you and I have different ideas about the ways of the world. But keep pitching in ! We are here to learn.

    anon (2) - good one.

    yokel - Freudian slip. Quite like the idea of Of.Glob ... trouble is, so does Brown

    Demetrius - welcome. Yes, "if in doubt, declare war on France" is a slogan that has served us well

    JPT - yes, you are probably right

  6. It could be worse - he could stay as PM for another sixteen months.

    At least in some international sinecure he won't have any influence on anything or anyone and he can retired quietly after a few minutes.

  7. Anonymous12:01 pm


    Thank you for your response.

    My initial comment was unworthy of it.

    In time.

  8. Anonymous11:03 am

    Don't forget Tony Blair the $1m scratch card winner.

  9. Anonymous9:38 am

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