Sunday 15 February 2009

Another week of Banking to come...

As if plenty of people are not bored with banks already, after last Friday's Lloyds/HBOS announcement there is more to come this week. Paul Moore has more which might undermine Gordon Brown further, if that is possible and speculation like this, on RBS will continue.

The last couple of weeks was interesting as the short sellers cleared out of the UK banks and the share prices recovered somewhat. It will be interesting to see if they dive back in on the Lloyds/HBOS news of whether the risk of nationalisation keeps the stocks too toxic even for short-selling.

And then there is the bonus row, which surely can't last much more of the media cycle as it is getting very tedious now...


  1. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Call me a simpleton if you must, but if a crucial part of our problem was that some banks were "too big to fail", what on earth was the point of the Government arranging the takeover of HBOS by LLoyds? It should have been looking to disaggregate the banking monsters, not to merge them.

  2. HMG's only defence seems to be that if they hadn't done the £37bn bailout and forced the takeover of HBOS the whole financial system would have collapsed. Is that plausible? Was it likely?

  3. Dearime/BE - Too big to fail is indeed a problem. However at the moment for taxpayers we have a great deal, as LBG shareholders are at least helping absorb the HBOS losses.

    Full nat a la Northern Wreck means the govt would be shoulding £10's of billions of losses direct.

    As for whether the financial system would have collapsed - i think yes. it very nearly has anyway, without an further Leham shocks.

    I hope the too big to fail lesson is learned and that retail banks are foreced to stick to just that in future.

  4. Anonymous9:38 am

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