Friday 13 February 2009

Those who are about to lie, salute you.

Those who are about to lie, salute you.

The older champion arrives, bloodied and scarred from a lifetime of in-fighting. His heavy sheaf of protective statistics held in front of his chest and turns his scarred visage across the Colosseum. He appears weary. But he is still the champion; still deadly. His younger opponent, fitter and faster has a lighter armour of wit and repartee, not weighed down with his past like the elder gladiator. He is twice as quick on his feet. But one clumsy blow from the heavy mailed clunking fist of "The Great One" could shatter his confidence and bring him down. The rough and tumble of debate, the tricky obstacles to a career, a path strewn with pitfalls, close-in hand to hand combat and verbal sparing. Bread and Circuses. Let the games commence.

This weekends task is to give Sky 1 type "Gladiator" names to the following people in this weeks news.

Gordon Brown
David Cameron
Nick Clegg
Vince Cable
Fred Goodwin
Jacqui Smith
Ed Balls
James Crosby
Boris Johnson
Sarah Tether

{ Here are some of the Sky Gladiator names as an example.
Warrior-Spartan-Doom-Goliath-Siren-Cyclone-Panther-Oblivion.. All a little bit gay nightclub. We're sure you can do better...}


  1. Anonymous3:22 pm


    That'll do.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous3:45 pm

    Gordon Brown _ Dominus
    David Cameron - Sensuous
    Nick Clegg - Fencius
    Vince Cable - Felicitus
    Fred Goodwin - Chopulus
    Jacqui Smith - shiftlus
    Ed Balls - Pompous
    James Crosby - Curious
    Boris Johnson - Fuckulus
    Sarah Tether - Pointlus

  4. Here are my suggestions:

    Gordon Brown: Ditherus Economicus Disastrus

    David Cameron: Bullingdus Ex Nastipartius

    Nick Clegg: Invisibilus Nonentius

    Vince Cable: Financius Tolduso

    Fred Goodwin: Bonus Maximus

    Jacqui Smith: Stalinia Incompetentus Cowardia

    Ed Balls: Moronis Sowhatus Footinmouthus

    James Crosby: Sackus Whistleblowerus

    Boris Johnson: Oldetonium Sayfuckalot

    Sarah Tether: Neverheardovya Libdemia


  5. I think we know the answer to this one.

    Gordon Brown = Biggus Dickus, obviously

    Boris = Naughtius Maximus

    Ed Balls = Silius Soddus

    In the circumstances, wor Jaqui will have to play both Mandy and Incontinentia Buttocks (refers to her out-of-control expense-claiming habits, I believe)

    David Cameron = Nisus Wettus

    Fred Goodwin = Harry the Haggler

    Vince Cable = Gregory

    Sarah Teather = Mrs Gregory

    Clegg = Brian and also Reg

    Crosby doesn't appear, he's Persona Non Grata

  6. Anonymous6:01 pm

    Gordon Brown - Pompey the Great
    David Cameron - Julius Caesar
    Nick Clegg - Clodius
    Vince Cable - Cicero
    Fred Goodwin - Crassus
    Jacqui Smith - Servilia
    Ed Balls - Brutus
    James Crosby - Vercingetorix
    Boris Johnson - Mark Anthony
    Sarah Tether - Slave.

  7. Winner, IMHO, Dungeekin

    Fred Goodwin: Bonus Maximus

  8. Anonymous11:36 am

    Are you not entertained ?

  9. Anonymous11:54 am

    My name is Maximus Economicus Disastrus, commander of the Banks of the North, General of the poorly equipped Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Karlus Marxus. Father to a debt ridden treasury, husband to a bankrupt country.
    And I will never say I'm sorry, in this life or the next.

  10. Gordon Brown= rectus probulus

  11. Anonymous9:39 am

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