Wednesday 19 May 2010

Pay Up, Pay Up, and Pay Again ! (Vitaï Lamenta)

"what does the middle class feel about becoming the milch cow for a Tory government ?" (Jeremy Paxman, Newsnight 18 May)

We feel the Hand of History on our gonads, squeezing very hard" (Tory MP)

Vitaï Lamenta

There’s a breathless hush, twas a close-fought fight

No.10 gained in a famous win.

A bumpy economy, money tight -

Bad; but at last our man is in.

And it’s not coalition that sticks in the throat

Or the selfish hope of avoiding pain

But History’s Hand on the tax-payer’s scrote -

'Pay up! pay up! and pay again!'

The exchequer’s books are sodden red,
Red with the ink of a bank that’s broke;
And Darling's out; New Labour dead;
And Mandelson gone in a puff of smoke.

The river of debt has wrecked the banks,

As Brown skulks off with blackened name

And the tax-payer hears, as Sterling tanks-

'Pay up! pay up! and pay again!'

These are the words that year by year,

Whenever a Chancellor’s plans are set,

Everyone who pays tax must hear,

And none that hears it can forget.

This they must all – yes, each man must

Bear through life like a ball and chain,

And cursing Brown for his boom and bust

'Pay up! pay up! and pay again!'

(apologies to Henry Newbolt)


photo (c) N.Drew 2010


  1. Deepak Sharma9:56 am

    In some ways you wish Gordon Brown was around so he could be forced to tidy up the mess he left behind. Although maybe he thinks it's all a joke, just like Liam Bryne?

  2. I just finished paying off my student loan so it's about time the state started taking some more money away from me.

  3. welcome Deepak: yes, around here we have suspected a Joke - or worse, scorched earth - for quite a while

    BE - you are obviously freeloading now and ready for another shakedown I'd say

  4. Pass the Gatling, I can see the taxes coming over the hill.

  5. The middle-classes should pay up. They're the ones who kept voting Labour all those years.

    ( I suppose I exaggerate a little ).

  6. Sheer brilliance, Nick ! Over at Anna Raccoon they have a whole political poetry section which this would grace ! (Geddit ?)

    Alan Douglas

  7. thanks Alan I shall wander over

    (goddit. perhaps it should be sub-titled Lara's Song ...)

    Demetrius - yes, circle the wagons, issue the ammo !

    you're a hard task-master, Peter
