Wednesday 29 August 2012

Growing calls for a 'Fair' tax on Politicians

Reports are coming into to CU Towers of growing concern across the Country about the contribution of Politicians and regulators to the economy during hard times. Clearly, a near 5 year old recession has taken a big toll on public finances, with Public Debt set to rise by 40% over the course of this Parliament.

And yet, whilst taxes for the population are high, there has to date been a conspicuous absence of taxes directed at those who caused the recession in the first place. We all know the previous Labour Government jacked-up spending beyond what the Country could afford and failed to regulate the banking sector. This current Government has continued with underwhelming efforts to try and create a recovery. Clearly, a debt is owed to the Country ,

So it is understandable that there is a rising clamour in the Country that extra taxes are placed on those who caused many of our problems to pay their 'fair share' for a short-period until we are beyond our current problems. After all, Politicians have levied specific taxes on Banker's bonus', North Sea Oil, Drinkers, Smokers,  Pasty Eaters and many others so it is only fair for there now to be due consideration of Politicians paying their way.

Let's take Nick Clegg as an example earns £134,565 but his wife as a sneior City partner could expect to earn nearly a million. They have a grace and favour home as well as a fine North London residence. Fairness would dictate a small 5% wealth tax per year on their total assets which should raise up to say £250,000 which they can easily afford given the vast income and wealth.

In times of such hardness I am sure Nick Clegg and his fellow-Government members, many of whom are also multi-millionaires, will be glad to contribute in a small way to helping the Country.

Now as readers will know, I am generally very against tax rises, they reduce productivity and force labour elsewhere. In this case though I expect some positive behavioural outcomes. It maybe that Nick Clegg will not be a politician much longer anyway due to his utter incompetence as leader, however encouraging him to leave the Country should be a good thing, as it should for most of the other members of our Golagfrinchan parliament. High taxes also can lead to lower productivity, again in this case, the reduced amount of hot air and ill-thought our policies will both lower green house emissions and contribute to the stability of the Country.

Does this seem a very persuasive case to you?


  1. Only a five percent wealth tax on these leeches?
    Pile it on till the piggies begin to squeal and then some more!

  2. As many have observed increasing income taxes on the rich will catch only a minority in the unlucky position of not being able to avoid it. We are well on the way to the only effective answer to the general tax problem being a vigorous property tax.

  3. Blue Eyes2:03 pm

    I thought the deficit was going to be closed with 80% cuts and 20% tax rises. So far the taxes have gone up and the deficit has come down a little bit. Shouldn't Cleggy be trying Plan A before announcing Plan Z?

    Also, we already have massive double taxation in the UK. Is Clegg really saying that once you've earned your money and spent a big chunk of it, whatever you have left should be taxed too?

  4. A tax on politicians?
    Thin end of the wedge. Slippery slope. unprecedented action. A Bennite solution!

    This is a very bad idea indeed.

  5. Cornishgiant6:39 pm

    Interestingly, I hear (though of course am not able to verify) Clegg's parents are exiled in France for tax reasons.
    If it's true, you couldn't make it up!

  6. We could do with more of them sending their kids to bog standard comps too.

    I'd exempt the Rt Hon BQ MP from the taxes btw. He adds to the gaety of the nation.

  7. Budgie11:49 pm

    BQ said: "A tax on politicians? Thin end of the wedge. Slippery slope. Unprecedented action. A Bennite solution!"

    Don't worry BQ, it will only be a one-off tax and therefore hardly noticeable.

    A tax on politicians?
    Yes we can!!!?!

  8. It'll never's akin to asking turkeys to vote for Christmas.
