Wednesday 20 August 2008

BBC . 2 are you sitting comfortably

Well the case for BBC news was fair, but the comments were not. Surely the thousands of hours of radio must make the case for a compulsory subscription service.

RAJAR the radio ratings compilers show the BBC have tens of thousands more listeners than its nearest rivals.

Radio 2 :162,446 Radio 4 : 121,626 Radio 1 :101,625 Radio 5 :47,150 Classic FM :39,295 TalkSport :18,989 Magic : 14,773 Radio 3 : 12,116

Radio 2 has been the most listened to station for years and years. Its soft fluffy BBC to the core.
Terry Wogan , Ken Bruce, Jeremy Vine, Steve Wright, Chris Evans. A mix of music, not too young, not too old, some quizzes, some chat, some phone-ins and some big and small name guests. Personally, despite its lightness and lack of any real depth I believe it beats the pants off any daytime TV channel.
Like all BBC shows its slickly produced, gives the weather and news and is very very comfortable and reliable for its middle England target audience.

Radio 4 you could say the same, except without the music and a lot more culture and some of the best comedy that you will ever hear. Gardening and travel and politics its like the listening equivalent of BBC 2, much as Radio 2 is BBC 1 for the ears.

I listen to radio every day and my only real complaint is that as its BBC it always has to 'balance' every issue, seek an alternative point, have no individual presenters comment or allow a topic to become 'dangerous' in any way. But then again I am its target audience, no wonder I like it!

Radio 5 has less of a share than I would have guessed but why on earth the 'beeb' continues to put radio 3 on fm when radio 5 has 4 times the audience and would only grow without all that AM hiss, is a mystery. [well snobbery probably]

So, the BBC is the absolubte master of the airwaves and it has countless regional stations too. The real regional ones like Ulster are comparable to the commercial 'giants' like LBC 97.3 or Virgin.

And yet this very success begs the question..

'If BBC radio is demonstrably this desirable for the public, surely it would continue to be so under the same or similar format with the same coverage in the private sector?'

I personally would vote to leave BBC Radio almost as it is but must conceed...

If Kiss 100 can succeed with its numbers that are 10% of radio one, then wouldn't a commercial outfit be interested in the 55% of the listeners dominance of the BBC franchise? These are Tesco type market share figures that companies dream of. The figures are even better than they appear as the 55% is All BBC against All Independents. Like for like stations and its more like 80% share. If you could buy Radio One then your only real competitor would be Radio Two. And they aren't even fighting for the same territory!


Mark Wadsworth said...

Ah yes, but what is the cost of these various stations compared to the £4 billion that the BBC as a whole spends on canapes and fine wines every year?

Anonymous said...

Would removing the license fee probably mean introducing adverts?

Unsworth said...

Yes BBC Radio is outstanding - and probably comparatively cheap. It has the great advantage of allowing one to get on with other things whilst listening.

It's BBC TV which is such poor value. Not only is television demanding of our attention and time, it's also piss-poor quality for much of that time.

Anonymous said...

RAJAR the radio ratings compilers show the BBC have tens of thousands more listeners than its nearest rivals....

You still haven't got it yet have you Bill?

You are comparing the local free newspaper with local news and views to a national you pay a quid for; it is not a fair comparison, even if some of the ones you mention are national. You would have to compare, in numbers of listeners, a conglomeration of stations.

If you want it though, YOU pay for it. I don't want it. Sound fair?

Anonymous said...

On those figures, there is no reason why BBC Radio’s 1, 2 and 5 should not be privatised. BBC Radio’s 3 and 4 do have a different product that could be justified. The figures for Classic FM are very good, but they could not be compared to Radio 3 as their material is barely comparable.

Nich Starling said...

I disagree. the number of times I change the station when I get ads on commerical radio (or commerical TV) makes me think that this 55% market share would disappear quickly with ads.

I watch nothing on ITV, C4, C5 or UKTV live, I always stick it on Sky+ so I can simply skip the ads.

I find it odd that Unsworth thinks that BBCTV is bad value for money. My TV license costs me 20% of my annual fee to SKY and yet I still find myself watching BBC 50% of the time, and don't forget, your license fee pays for the radio and website too.

Nich Starling said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pogo said...

Thou sayest " only real complaint is that as its BBC it always has to 'balance' every issue, seek an alternative point,..."

Except, of course, if the subject is "climate change" - at which point the BBC becomes a fanatical advocate of all AGW theories and will brook no dissent!

CityUnslicker said...

But Norfolk why do I have to pay for the BBC? IF it is so good that you will watch it, why not freely pay a subscription.

At the moment I am subsidising your televisual enjoyment.

The BBC is obese in the extreme, it has more people at the Olympics than NBC. I would not even be surprised if it has more correspondents there than China itself.

Wrinkled Weasel said...

Gor Blimey, you have raised a lot of isshooos in one post here. I will have a go at one of them - Radio Two and its popularity.

Mrs Weasel listens to it in the Car; Terry in the morning, Chris in the evening. I occasionally do likewise, only with me it will be Steve Wright.

You have already explained why we do this because it is "Its soft fluffy BBC to the core." and "lightness and lack of any real depth".

I actually switch to Radio Three for most of the time, or enjoy Megadeth's "Countdown to Extinction". I do this because I have a bigger brain than most people and can cope with the level of cranial interaction needed to deal with Radio Three and drive safely at the same time.

I also turn off the music altogether if I have a bit of hairy motorway driving to do.

I would be interested to know what proportion of R2 listeners are car listeners because I suspect the ratings are heavily slewed to drivetime listeners.

As for R4, the comedy is first rate and has never been surpassed by other radio stations or for the most part, telly.

Just don't get me going on bias at the BBC.

Unsworth said...

@ Norfolk Blogger

Sky? WTF is that? More pap for the seething masses. And you don't watch it for much of the time anyway? It's your choice to pay for nothing, then.

You really haven't got it, have you? The fact that the BBC TV is turning out crap which is slightly less crappy than Sky crap is not the point. It's still Crap.

As I've said, I don't mind paying for BBC Radio as I think it's decent quality. I object to paying for BBC TV because I think it's garbage, and why should I pay for the BBC Website? The site is basically a shop window of even poorer visual quality than their TV 'offerings'. The content is fundamentally the same, anyway.

Bill Quango MP said...

Houdini: Calm down dear! It has no commercials. Yet.
In fact I point out your point at the end of the post. BBC has 55% of the total radio share.Thats against the total commercial sectors 45%.

NB: I think BBC is good value too compared to other forms of entertainment. But we are a minority here. {the BBC will probably make a program about us now. Probably with Michelle Collins fronting}

Thats not say I don't think some two Billion couldn't be cut from its budget for very little loss in quality.

Anonymous said...

25million license payers for 150,000 listeners?

For crying out loud. That's about 170 people paying for each old tosser that wants to listen to Wogan.

Anonymous said...

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