Saturday 24 December 2022

Happy Xmas, all on C@W !

 ... and when CU gets back we'll try for a pub session, like we did from time to time in those pre covid days.  I owe a couple of folks a couple of beers.

Compo coming in the New Year.  And we'll take a look back at last January's, too.  (A few red faces, methinks.)



E-K said...

I often visit Croydon and I LOVE it. It was where I was raised and I love the welcome I get back (blacks and Asians are truly wonderful! In so many ways I wish I'd never left.)

The George is a great Weatherspoons to meet (which I did for lil' bro' for a great reunion.) I use the Croydon Central Travelodge which gives me a great room for working out. Wifey asked why I had burns on elbows and knees.. Why ? BEAR crawls on on the carpeted floor, of course !!!

I am SUPER fit. A set of TRX bands and a big room and a Weatherspoons is BLISS to me.

E-K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill Quango MP said...

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Don Cox said...

Happy Christmas all round.

Will 2023 be worse than 2022, or not as bad ? That is the question.

What bothers me is the extent to which more and more people expect "the Government" to solve all their problems.


dustybloke said...

A booze up? Excellent idea!
Sarsaparillas all round!

andrew said...

The true genius of the democratic process is the smooth transition of power, especially in difficult times.

We may be about to see that not happening around the world next year.

So I bet on things getting a bit better in the uk

Don Cox said...

Smooth transitions require a sophisticated and tolerant electorate, and this isn't all that common. It also requires leaders who are not power-obsessed megalomaniacs, and unfortunately people like that do fight their way to the top.


Anonymous said...

To Don, the reason people expect Government and the state to solve all their problems is a decade long government overreach into every area of human life, the government keeps saying and trying to show it can solve our problems. The government can change climate, stop viruses and change people's sex - surely it can do everything else also? Then when SHTF someone from the government says "we can't do everything, people have to take responsibility too", while having micro-managed everything until then.

I wish 2023 to be worse than 2022 and I will most likely be right. I wish political violence, assassinations, a nuclear strike would be welcome too. I wish total annihiliation of the financial system, and then I want to see people going after the politicians, their family, relatives and friends. That is my dream, not a recommendation, not condoning anything.

Because I'm done. Let some other life organism have a shot at it on this planet.

Don Cox said...

"Let some other life organism have a shot at it on this planet."

If humans become extinct (which doesn't seem likely at present), the next in line are the rats. It would take them three or four million years to evolve to our size and intelligence.

I doubt if they would do much better than us. There are plenty of real problems that are genuinely hard for any intelligent organisms to solve.


Anonymous said...

@ Don Cox" Next in line are the rats"
Have you read about John B Calhoun's rat utopia experiments in the 1960s? Lessons might be learned about where the human race is heading.
Happy Christmas and New year all.
Rgds M.

Scrobs. said...

Nice idea Nick!

Will the pub visit be anywhere near Tunbridge Wells perchance?

Happy New year to all of you at C@W!

Don Cox said...

A good cartoon by Olga Gromova:


Anonymous said...

A good cartoon by Olga Gromova:

Anybody we should recognize?

Don Cox said...

"Anybody we should recognize?"

The human race.


Don Cox said...

Seeing the photo of a fox in Downing Street, I wonder if Rishi himself may be a fox. Foxes in human form are common in Chinese and Japanese legends, but I don't know of any from India.

Do we have a were-fox as our PM ?

Just a possibility ...
