Thursday, 25 January 2007

Watch this!

Far be it from me to encourage watching the goggle box. However, tonight at 9m Jeff Randall looks into the UK pension scandal on ITV1.

Jeff is no friend of the government and I look forward to him telling it how it is.

If you watch put your thoughts in the comments for a quick debate....


Anonymous said...

My husband mentioned he was going to watch this as we are in a sticky position re our pensions. I would get him to blog, but he feels he has flu, you know what men are like with flu. But we will catch up with you later on this one.

James Higham said...

Yes, I look forward to the ensuing comments.

CityUnslicker said...

watched it.

Very good I thouhg. Truth about finance on telly. Glad I sung Jeff's praises in my last post as he lived up to them.

Still, we are in a terrible state with our pensions system now. Everyone will have their fingers crossed they can make enoughg on property values and downsize their property to retire.

It is not enough though, there is going to be massive civil disturbance over this in the next 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Manflu in bed says we are in a dire situation, it's one of these bad news issues I keep ignoring but need to deal with. He told me about the man who decided against retiring early on £44,000 a year and lost it all the following year, all doom and gloom, we do need to know a lot more about this in easily understood language.

The Hitch said...

I have an aunt who always votes labour and is looking forward to receiving a Lufthansa pension.
I cant fucking wait until they go bust, that will serve her right, and when it happens I will remind her of it every day as I throw her scraps from my bird table.
she is also a slut who had brought shame upon the family.
Anybody who works for an airline is either a homosexual or little better than a common prostitute , the facts speak for themselves.

CityUnslicker said...

I thought that JR did a good job of that Ellee. I was pleased too to see a programme like this on ITV.

With a big plus that it ended ontrashing Broon.

PH - Acutely observant as ever. i don't think German's wil let Lufthansa go bust. Actually they are one of the better performing airlines.

Anonymous said...

I thought that JR did a good job of that Ellee ( Dallas ?)

Missed it CU


The Hitch said...

Where is my link mr slicker ? (+:

Shades said...

Oh dear, unslicker, the lunatics have escaped from Guido's asylum...

CityUnslicker said...

All our welcome here.

You have your link PH!

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