Thursday, 30 January 2025

DeepSeek: capitalism at its finest!

Trump is right that DeepSeek is a wakeup call.  For a very long time many on the capitalist side of the argument (including myself) have taken a degree of complacent comfort in the highly derivative nature of Chinese technology.  One of out BTL commenters even went so far as to say that reports of a Chinese stealth fighter couldn't possibly be true.  Of course, we've long noted the undeniable, gargantuan successes of China's mercantile strategy, but hey, that's how Japan, S.Korea and Taiwan joined the club. 

And now, DeepSeek!   Assuming it isn't a fake - and I think we may - it represents an all-time classic example of capitalism at its finest:  people with strong commercial motivation, creativity, and sufficient political freedom - highly qualified, but sufficient - to give rein to it;  and the innovations flow!

And of course in a frontier space like LLMs, random disruptions and breakthroughs are to be expected.  We just need to recognise that a western cultural backdrop is not the only fertile context.  

So 'wakeup call' is all we need to say.  Provided that those who hear it are not just the complacent, comatose denizens of Silicon Valley.  Now, what was it about that stealth fighter again?


Monday, 27 January 2025

Labour headed for serious internal strife

The Starmer government has been trying the patience of Labour members from MPs downwards, ever since the 2-chid allowance and winter fuel payment things, not to mention the freebies.  Their mealy-mouthed stance on Gaza enrages further tranches of their base.  Kow-towing to Trump - and who knows what that might entail - won't go down at all well in many quarters.  But now Rachel Reeves seems to have cut loose altogether, and must surely be moving onto a whole new patch of extremely thin ice.

Growth as a panacea for, well, everything, has a moderately respectable economic pedigree (even if achieving it has seemed to be beyond UK politicians - and there are respectable theories about that, too).  Months ago we noted that the Starmer regime seemed to have come to it fairly late, and there's no doubt it's the only thing that matters now - to Reeves, at least.  It's also top of Starmer's rhetoric just now, but soon he may find he has a few competing priorities to juggle.  And ahead of any ultimate, actual growth-derived economic benefits arriving - a long-term prospect, at best - manic growth-stimulating policies come with a lot of near-term political downsides.

This all comes to a head when, last week, Reeves explicitly said growth takes priority over Net Zero etc.  Well, in that case, we can suggest several cost-saving measures right away!  That's after weeks of "the Cuts are Coming!", which is hardly music to the ears of the rest of the Cabinet - and the Party.  Then, to cap it off, LHR3 seems likely to be given the thumbs-up.  

Apparently, Miliband says he won't resign over LHR - and we know how exceptionally "loyal" he is.   OK, LHR might not technically be within his brief, so he might feel able to let it go.  But, seriously, if NZ is to be downgraded as a priority, there really are several material savings to be made there: Sizewell C is a current cash drain for no immediate gain[1], and numerous other smaller, stupid projects too (hydrogen for heating, this includes you - and many more besides).  Reeves' axe must surely swing in his direction as well as every other.  These cuts and blunt Go-for-Growth bulldozer measures will be pissing off Labour swing voters and NIMBYs everywhere on a big scale - and there's one helluva big, restive, worried labour backbench cohort.

Now I may be getting ahead of myself here, but I feel we see some of the bigger players starting to position themselves for genuine internecine strife.  Streeting is the one who caught my attention last week with his big, heavily-trailed "battle of ideas" speech - a sure sign; and of course Khan is always on the lookout for cues to work his passage back into Parliament and the leadership he fondly imagines is his by right.  They say Lammy is boundlessly ambitious.  Rayner is a joke, of course, but for completeness I feel it must be noted that Miliband is seriously radiating dynamic confidence & competence (that's "radiating", not "actually delivering"), and looks like leadership material [2] if anyone was in the market for it.  In a country like France, he'd have no difficulty in being a candidate to go round again.  Mandelson, of course, is always on expert manoeuvres and his favours are fairly fickle. 

Popcorn time, then.  And sooner than we might have expected.



[1] Not in energy terms, anyhow.  Of course, many say the underlying purpose of the whole civil nuclear programme is to subsidise the military nukes.  And I persist in viewing it as part of the overall craven France-mollifying strategy which of course involves the Small Boats issue.

[2] If you want to judge for yourself, view his performance at the ESNZ committee in Parliament two weeks ago - masterful stuff.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Does Trump know how to play Putin?

He's already winding him up mercilessly.  The context is that Putin's very substantial and prickly pride has been deeply wounded by being flatly ignored and personally banned by the entire western world for several years, and that his travel and international interlocutors are constrained to China, Iran, North Korea and, errr, back to China again.  He is absolutely desperate to be out on the World Leader circuit again, as fast as possible.  And in his optimistic moments his hopes are high.

Now, nationalist Russian sentiment is aggrieved - and is certain Putin is also angry - that Trump has failed to recognize with sufficient gratitude that Soviet Russia won WW2.  They say Putin will assuredly give Trump one of his "history-lesson" rants whenever they do finally get to talk.  He is given to rants of this kind: lengthy and rambling with a mind-numbing effect on audiences.  Nobody outside of the aforesaid China, Iran and N.Korea is trained to "listen attentively" to these things any more: the days of Fidel Castro at the podium are a distant memory.  

And in Trump, they have truly misread their man.

For all his gargantuan failings in many departments, Trump has a colossal amount of low cunning in the matter of personal encounters and human psychology.  Both he and Putin have made vast capital from their differing abilities in human engagement, so they both operate psychological theories of a kind.  But mano a mano?  When dealing with anyone other than meet-the-people walkabout audiences, Putin self-evidently relies on pure menace and intimidation - he even considers this a matter for pride and the TV cameras - a very Russian thing.  Look at the merciless, gleeful, premeditated way he literally set dogs on Angela Merkel, a well-known cynophobiac.  It'll be water off Trump's back: the man doesn't give a toss for such things (and probably won't even grant a face-to-face meeting).  But having already been baited, can we see anxious, urgent Putin going for everyone else's Plan A, viz abject flattery?  Really?

Both Putin and Trump are of course themselves the subjects of endless psychological analysis and speculation, professional and amateur.  But you know who can play them both?  Well, maybe Xi, who has the luxury of considering his chess-by-post moves very carefully, and never needs to make a move he's not totally comfortable with.  But Xi is unlikely to hold the key to restoring Li'l Volodya's fortunes in the Big World of Global Prestige.

The relevant answer is ... Zelensky.  If you've seen one or other of the lengthy TV documentaries on the man, you'll be in no doubt whatever that the little comedian / showman / war leader is absolutely masterful in his personal dealings - with whole crowds of foreign politicians as well as one-on-one encounters.  He, too, has had a very long time to ponder the arrival of Trump, but his conclusions and plans for this critical juncture will have been a lot more adroit than the twisted frettings of Putin.  I'd rate Zelensky's chances quite highly of making a bit of strategic hay over the next couple of months.

On the other hand I doubt very much that Putin's upside scenario  - Transactional Trump the famous isolationist, wants a quick PR win, and gives me everything I want - will play out anywhere other than in his most optimistic dreams.  The downside - still in the global naughty corner come summer, Ukrainian drones still falling nightly on my oil refineries, and another trip to Pyongyang in the diary - looks a lot more likely.  

And Zelensky will still have a ghastly, grinding war on his hands.  Perhaps with a few more weapons in the armoury, though.  And Xi will continue to sit there quietly at his own global chessboard, planning his Taiwan campaign.


Monday, 20 January 2025

"50 new gas-fired power plants for Germany" - and UK?

"German opposition leader vows to build 50 gas-fired power plants if elected", the story goes.  This is Merz, leader of the CDU and potentially Germany's next Chancellor (although see the 2025 Predictions compo).  50 is hyperbolic[1], but the point remains: Germany is hugely lacking in natural energy resources and, having bizarrely closed all its nukes on Merkel's whim, can't remotely rely on its large but actually not very impressive fleet of solar and wind power.  (Solar?  This is N.Europe.  Wind?  It has only a very small coastline, and that's in the wrong place.  Coal & lignite?   In abundance - but not "green", of course.)

So where would the gas come from?  Well, "imports": but lack of detail on this is just one element of the hyperbole, and his statement isn't any kind of practical plan.  But the point remains: the more wind & solar in a power fleet, the more strategic, long-term[2] backup power is required.  Right now, batteries aren't even remotely candidates for this, and won't be within a realistic planning period.   Pumped-storage hydro is great but in limited supply.  Imports of electricity are what Germany relies on right now but the Scandinavians are getting pretty testy about this - it plays havoc with their own markets - and may well pull the plug. 

Which brings us to our own shores.  Large-scale build-up of solar and wind - check.  Growing electricity demand (after more than a decade of decline) - check.  Declining nuclear capacity[3] - check.  Reliance on imports which might not be a practical proposition indefinitely - check.  So: continued, nay, growing need for gas-fired backup - check.  Even Little Ed Miliband realised this before the election, and now plans to retain the full 30-35 MW of our existing fleet[4] in his feeble "100% decarbonised by 2030, oops, make that 95%, it's what I always meant, it's the same thing" non-plan.

Here's the thing: these things are easy for a politician to say but that's not enough.  Capital plant can't equally easily be made to stand around doing nothing all year, but spring into life with ultra-high reliability on the odd, unpredictable occasion it's needed to be in action for a week or so.  That's not how the world works.

To be fair, HMG has gone one step further and has come up with a new subsidy for which backup gas-fired plants would qualify - but that's only the financial aspect.  The practical and physical aspects are legion, not least because if Mili's plans for decarbonising home heating progress[5] the overall scale of gas infrastructure[6] will be diminishing materially, and it would be comprehensive extant infrastructure paid for by someone else (as it is at present) that a rarely-used gas-based backup system would parasitically depend upon.

Yet another facet of the infeasibility of Miliband's plan.  He gave a very upbeat (and in fact, rather good - in political terms) performance in front of the Select Committee last week, and one can easily see how Labour MPs who don't understand the subject matter (evidently including Starmer and Reeves) would be inclined to view him very favourably and trust him implicitly.  But it's all destined to hit the rocks of hard reality at some point.  When?  I'm not sure.  Meantime, a heap of subsidy-contracts are gonna get taken by some players - and paid for by us.



[1] ... but music to the ears of hard-pressed Siemens!

[2] In this context, 'long-term' means weeks.  Batteries are only good for hours - which is very useful for some purposes, but not for Dunkelflaute

[3] Hinkley Point C start-up is a distant prospect, and the existing fleet is in decline, even if its life is prolonged to the max and the ONR throws safety considerations to the winds

[4] Numbers vary from document to document

[5] His targets won't be met, of course, but the gradual replacement of gas boilers with heat pumps is inevitable, even if at infinitesimal pace.  Ditto EVs

[6] By 'infrastructure' I mean not only the pipelines, storage facilities and LNG import terminals, but also the commercial and 'soft' aspects associated with there being a vast amount of gas sloshing around the UK all the time & particularly in winter:  lots of long-term supply contracts, gas traders, commercial, engineering & tech expertise, market liquidity etc etc - in other words, a thriving, extant gas industry of critical mass.   

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Trump: using the levers of his very great power

A longstanding strategy which is often attributed to (e.g.) Israel is to nurture the reputation of being outright crazy, with the 'benefit' that everyone else thinks:  they're crazy enough, they really might do it!

Re-enter Donald Trump, who is already claiming - probably with justification - to have been instrumental in the (putative) ceasefire in Gaza.  It's pretty obvious his influence is already being felt elsewhere too, such is his hard-earned reputation for maverick behaviour, no guesswork required.  What interests me most is that over the past few weeks he's been showing some serious understanding of just how far this could take him, and just how extensive are the levers of (indirect) power he will enjoy.

Long-time readers will know I often praise Mandelson for having a genuinely broad and creative approach to what can be done with power.  There aren't so many with that degree of lateral thinking.  We been given glimpses now, as to just how widely Trump is casting his gaze and, allied with his "tariff is my favourite word" weapon, it's pretty revolutionary.

Start with his designs on US territorial expansion, a topic possibly considered dead since the Alaska purchase of 1867.  Greenland.  Canada!  People are already sketching out how it might be done.  Then think about Europe.  "Unless you guys increase your defence spending, NOW, to 3% GDP, I'm withdrawing from NATO.  You have three months to pass the legislation."  And so on - no need to give the man ideas.   

Perhaps Mandelson isn't such a bad choice for Ambassador after all.


Wednesday, 15 January 2025

WFH "costs nothing". WTF? Polly Toynbee is a fool

WFH  -  "It’s free, it’s sensible and it makes workers happy. The government needs to accept that this is the new normal"

Guess which idiot wrote that?  Well, no prizes, it's Polly Toynbee, in a Graun piece entitled Labour has been sucked into the WFH culture war. It should know better

We'll let her make her case, as she bewails what she detects as government reverting to neanderthal office-bound working practices. 

... many workplaces have thrived because of it ... A perverse strain of rightwing thought opposes almost any social progress that improves other people’s lives ... Zoom meetings save time and wasteful travel, employers are free to hire talent from anywhere in the country, and employees have escaped escalating property prices in London and steep commuting costs. WFH has been a boon for the climate, too; according to one US study, two to four days of remote working a week lowers carbon emissions by between 11% and 29% ... hybrid working policies [are] key to attracting talent ... people value the ability to work from home two or three days a week about the same as they would an 8% pay rise.  Does [the government] want to be nice to employees, or nasty? ... new employment rights will help civilise working life. Growth-boosting plans to get “economically inactive” people with disabilities or caring responsibilities into jobs will only succeed with maximum flexibility. And WFH, remember, is free, which makes it look like a very sensible policy in a year when large pay rises seem unlikely. 

Setting aside the ridiculously hyperbolic conclusion one is supposed to infer from that deliberately misleading sentence on climate benefits, we can assess the force of what she's saying, before entering the counter-arguments (which, true to her miserable form, she does not acknowledge at all).

Efficiency:  yes, and nobody disagrees, Zoom etc as a facility is a fine thing to have and can make for all manner of efficiencies.  So what?  The telephone has been around for well over a century.  I attended my first "teleconference" in 1986: the resolution of the mug-shots wasn't great, but even then the sound was fine and it had the ability to switch to doc-display mode.  Presumably Toynbee inhabits a tech-free world of Graun chatterers who imagine it was invented in 2020.

And ...  and?    Well, excepting only the "costs nothing" point which we'll return to, everything else in her case is basically "staff like it".  Well, staff say they like a lot of things: more money, extra holidays, free childcare, slap-up canteen lunches, company car, health insurance, non-contributory pension, golfing away-days ...   and they all take their place in a businesslike assessment of how the trade-offs are going to work out.  So let's get to the trade-offs, eh, Polly? 

It's really odd because I would have thought lefties, softies and tree-hugger types would have been the first to acknowledge the absolutely critical importance of direct human contact.  Actually, many of them would.  Humans are designed for face-to-face interactions, it's utterly intrinsic in our makeup.  Whenever this breaks down, inhumanity takes hold.  That's an extreme statement of the case, but in a less dramatic form: you try negotiating a complex deal, or making an important new hiring, by any other means than regular over-the-table contact, F2F.  And over the coffee-break - and over a beer afterwards.  I guarantee that in direct competition with companies that insist on a solid percentage of time spent face-to-face with colleagues and counterparties alike, the company that says OK, WFH, sounds fine to me, just check in online a couple of times a week will lose out very significantly over the long run.  And everyone who is serious about getting things done is coming back to this view, albeit belatedly.

What we are running into is the world of people who advocate that anyone can self-diagnose with PTSD or ME and be "supported" by the state as they skulk in their bedrooms.  That any child who doesn't like school or isn't top of the class needs an individual SEND plan + tutor at school, or can be "home-schooled".  Contrary to what people with this mindset believe, there can't be a high percentage of staff who are truly more productive "WFH" four days a week.  For the avoidance of doubt, there will of course always be some people with genuine PTSD / ME / SEND problems / high unsupervised personal productivity etc etc.  But percentage-wise, not many.  Toynbee is extrapolating from her own working practices and assuming the rest of the world runs like hers: a self-motivated journalist tripping around from home-office keyboard to restaurant-lunch-on-expenses, and back to keyboard again.  The woman is a fool.

So:  "WFH is free"?  Nope, it comes at a serious cost:  net efficiency /  productivity / effectiveness at its most functional and cash-oriented; and erosion of face-to-face human contact at its most elevated.

As with many issues, the key is resolving the trade-offs.  Toynbee, pathetic polemicist that she is, doesn't even acknowledge them.  She is a fule and I diskard her uterly, as Nigel M would say. 



PS, this is all in the same week as Toynbee writes "Ignore Musk, ignore the critics – you’ll feel the benefit of Labour’s policies in your pocket before long".  What more do we need to say?

Monday, 13 January 2025

AI and government: what could go wrong?

That's about it, really.

Blair has obviously got at Starmer.  "AI Superpower"?   Well, if government has anything to do with it, AI Superpower, my arse.

Civil servants are crap at tech stuff (inter multa alia) and picking winners - look how many iterations of 'government portals' etc they go through, before eventually they get websites that actually work.  Then, they put everything online and make applications for stuff self-certifying, so that the slick system they've come up with is robbed blind by scammers.  We know this.  Do we need to rehearse the PO scandal, NHS databases, etc etc etc?

We also know that the UK is capable of being a superpower in all sorts of techie arenas: FI cars; computer games; FinTech;   ... errrr ...   And we haven't jumped with both feet to hobble AI with regulations, unlike the EU.  But electricity, there's the thing: the next generation of data centres will be ferocious power-hogs.  The US will take this in its stride (well, maybe not California) but we are looking shaky right now: Jan 8th was nearly blackout time, and data centres can't be doing with that.  Starmer has obviously been told about this one because he's muttering about SMRs - maybe he hopes the Big 7 will pay for his energy policy at the same time as gladdening his heart with multi-billion AI-related investments here.

The answer has to be: (a) facilitate it, planning-wise; (b) leave it alone; (c) buy, for government use, good products when they become available and are fully tested.  But for pity's sake don't pay for the DWP to be the beta site for some piece of premature vapourware.  Because that's what this all looks like.


Saturday, 11 January 2025

Middle-class morality tale: 'Rogues' ... continued

Having moved on from Jailbirds I have Known to mere Rogues, here's the story of a man we'll call Desmond.

I met Desmond via my in-laws, who lived in a classic and very respectable English market town.  A tubby, bustling, jovial fellow, Desmond was well known to all in the Rotary / Conservatives / Probus circles (Freemasons too, I'm guessing).  He had been brewery manager at a well-known county firm, and was now comfortably retired with his wife in a smart bungalow, very much playing the latter-day country squire.  When he wasn't out shooting, he attended every good lunch and dinner going - and that's quite a lot in a town of that sort.  He was easy to like, but behind his back there was a lot of cheery laughter at his expense, because at every meal, his roving eyes were on the lookout for extra helpings: "... If you're not going to eat those parsnips ...", and he would brazenly help himself to his neighbours' (plural) unwanted scoff.  This is not at all the done thing in these circles, but Desmond was shameless.  And tubby.

The other aspect of note was that Desmond plus Mrs were always off shopping in the smart stores in the bigger county towns, and would invariably lunch there too.  This small-scale but relentless extravagance was also widely commented upon - even well-off county folk tend to abstain from conspicuous over-consumption - and one day it came to a juddering halt.  The consumerist couple had, it transpired, taken out all the equity from the bungalow, spent themselves into the ground, handed the keys back to the bank and, accurately presenting as homeless and penniless, threw themselves on the mercy of the local authority.

By some miracle, they were immediately found a small but comfortable flat at minimal rent in a sheltered housing complex based around a smart 18th century town house in pleasant grounds, not two miles from where they lived before.  Doubtless, several other welfare benefits flowed: if means-testing was involved, they qualified!  After the immediate disbelief had worn off, the reactions of their many acquaintances were critical, but by no means terminally outraged: nor were Desmond & Mrs shunned from polite society.  Somehow in all this they had managed to keep the shotguns & car - and proceeded to continue with life much as before, less the shopping and lunching expeditions.  Well, there was nowhere to put new purchases any longer.  Amazing stuff.  Over time, the commentary perceptibly shifted from "feckless bugger" to "not sure why we don't do that, too!"  As periodic visitors to this saga of everyday county life, Mrs Drew and I were possibly even more surprised by the widespread eventual acceptance of Desmond's dissolute doings than we were by the deed itself.  We even half-wondered if we were detecting a faint new hint of "oh well, eat, drink and be merry, eh?" in the general attitude of Desmond's circles.

Anyhow, notwithstanding his shameless insouciance there was probably some stress involved in all this for the portly Desmond, and some months later he suffered a heart attack.  He lasted but a few days in hospital and suffered a fatal relapse after lunch one day.  Fittingly, his last words were reliably said to have been: "I never did get my pudding..."   Middle-class entitlement, eh?  

He would have wanted to go that way, everyone agreed.


Tuesday, 7 January 2025

At last, the 2025 Predictions Compo!

OK, here we go for 2025.  In keeping with tradition, answers on a postcard BTL, if you please.

*   *   *   *   *

1.  Name of first sitting MP defecting to Reform

2.  Date of Starmer's first Cabinet reshuffle, as defined below.  One bonus point for each correctly-named departure or clear-cut demotion.  Two bonus points for any complete change precisely identified (named outgoer and named replacement)

3.  Anything you care to predict about the German Fed elections

4.  Composition of German government coalition by year-end (if none finalised by then, say 'none')

5.  Dollar / rouble exchange rate on Christmas Eve

6.  Oh, all right then: FTSE100 on Christmas Eve

(For masochists)  Bonus wildcard essay question : at headline level, what will be the state of play in Ukraine at year-end?

Go for it!



"Cabinet reshuffle" = two or more changes to the Cabinet roster, unforced by resignation or death.  Splitting of an existing Cabinet post into two or more new positions doesn't count per se - only if accompanied by reshuffle as defined above.

Monday, 6 January 2025

Ukraine in Kursk: quick assessment

The 2025 Predictions compo was coming along - but has to wait!  Because ...

A short while ago we suggested here that Putin was prone to forgetting that the enemy gets a vote; and that Ukraine, already shown to be adept at springing surprises, was likely to have a couple more up its sleeve before Trump convenes any kind of sit-down around a table somewhere.  Yesterday saw the start of one such: a significantly renewed Ukrainian effort on Russian soil in the form of several attacks from their Kursk salient and elsewhere in that vicinity.

The Russian milbloggosphere is in characteristic turmoil over this, and with a new twist.  Previous big surprises - the Wagner 'mutiny' of last year and the Kursk incursion in August - caught them with very little information to go on, and they floundered.  This time, because the Kursk salient was already an area of active operations and an issue that exercised patriotic milbloggers greatly, they have a lot of contacts on the ground feeding them detailed, if extremely patchy and chaotic information.  They also have the usual kneejerk drivel from the Russian MoD, but they know that's always going to be mendacious and wildly complacent.  All in all, they haven't known what to make of it all, and initially resorted to parroting the official "all tidied up, nothing to see here, move along" stuff.  But they knew that wasn't right.

As of this morning, they've settled for a handful of agreed conclusions:  

  • what's been seen so far isn't the main Ukrainian thrust, which is yet to come;
  • even this "diversionary" activity has met with some success;
  • Ukraine is deploying electronic warfare measures that are neutering Russian drones, along with some seemingly effective all-arms coordination in depth.
None that I've seen have made the obvious comment, which would be to liken this winter push to the Battle of the Bulge:  though one has suggested it is a "blow of last hope", which maybe amounts to the same thing.

Finally, the most knowledgeable blog-writers have held back from drawing preliminary conclusions altogether (and of course Putin, as ever in such circumstances, remains entirely silent and missing from the public sphere), which is wise because the Ukrainians are just as good at chess as the Russians and have had many months to plan this move.  The date of Trump's inauguration has, after all, been known for quite a while.

Am I going to fall into the first-draft-of-history-trap here?  No: just a handful of points.

  • this "blow of last hope" should have been blatantly obvious to Putin et al, both in general and in detail: yet again, his ability to be thrown by tactical events seemingly knows no limits: we can adduce half a dozen such unforced errors around his sphere of (notional) influence since the Syrian debacle alone.  He may have a brutal 'theory of (long-run) victory', but if he trips up and falls flat on his face in the meantime, it might still not work out.
  • plenty of time between now and Jan 20 for more ...
  • this year has seen some deeply impressive mil-tech advances from Ukraine's still highly capable defence-industrial base.  I've been expecting the electronic warfare anti-drone breakthrough for 18 months - they really needed it for their 2023 summer offensive, but better late than never.  There may be more to come on this front, too: and while tech advances tend to be countered by the other side after a while, the issue right now is the next couple of months. 
On paper, Putin shouldn't even be worrying about Kursk - he'll get it back for sure in due course, one way or the other - but I'll bet he is.


Saturday, 4 January 2025

The Campbell Betting Syndicate: really, really funny

An important C@W morality tale

If you haven't caught it amongst all the holiday excitement, there's a remarkable story afoot of how Alastair Campbell's son Rory allegedly took a load of high-rolling mug punters for several million quid, and has now disappeared - along with the money, naturally.  It's said he's suffering from the mental stress of it all, naturally, and must be left alone.

If these allegations are true, this is really, really funny.  It merits coverage on C@W because (as well as being hilarious) truth be told, mug-punter "investments" are a perennial source of finance for capitalist ventures the world over.  This is an important morality tale.  It is every adult's job to ensure that they don't themselves join this gravy train, and that they do raise their children to recognize the danger signals.

And the biggest danger signal of all, flashing away in lurid neon lights, is - "I've got this infallible system ..."!  For Pity's sake, a betting syndicate!!  Or, as we should correctly term it, just another Ponzi scheme.  With the outside chance that things work out in the short term, but are guaranteed to crater when, as always, betting against the house doesn't work out in the long run.

Making things more delicious than usual, the endlessly entertaining, worldly-wise Campbell senior (+ Mrs C) seem to have sunk quite a bit of dosh into it[1] themselves.  We all hope they got out in time ...  *Ahem*. 

Was Campbell Jnr betting against the house?  Well, details are scant, but I think that's what we must infer: he and his oh-so-mathematical "system" [2] thought they knew better than the big Asian bookies, where liquidity is such you can go large without moving the market.  Well, it is indeed sometimes realistically possible to know better than the odds on offer in a big market[3].  But if you're so damn' smart, the risk-free approach is to arbitrage, not simply to indulge in naked speculation[4].  And then ... there's credit risk on top!  Not only might you not know better than the market - when you do come out ahead, the bastards might not pay!  Which is what, we are told, happened here.  I mean, an online bookmaker in the sub-continent?  Well well well.

Just to round off, read the last couple of paras in that story - the pugnacious press release.  This story, we are angrily told, is one of outrageous breaches of confidence by Master Campbell's investors, which naturally causes the former to withdraw his offer to compensate the latter.  It's all their fault, as anyone can plainly see.  

I wonder who on earth drafted that?  The old master is losing his touch, methinks.

We'll have our own fabulous C@W speculative venture here in a day or so ... the 2025 New Year's Predictions Compo!  Watch this space.



[1]  It's not wrong - indeed, it can be truly honourable - for friends and relatives to back their nearest and dearest, of course: I've done it myself several times.  But only on businesslike terms that delude nobody, and satisfy everyone before, during and after.

[2] 'Mathematical' systems are the worst.  Very few people really understand probability.

[3] I have a friend who genuinely makes serious money on the horses - or did, until he was no longer physically mobile enough to work his energetic system, which is as follows:

  1. study the form, exhaustively.  There's plenty of good data
  2. go to the track on the day, and check out the horseflesh for yourself in the paddock.  It doesn't take much experience to spot a horse that is lethargic, skittish, spooked etc
  3. arbitrage[4] the on-course odds (knowledgeable) against the Tote (mug punters watching a TV screen hundreds of miles away; sentimental betting on names that sound nice etc etc)
  4. rinse, collect, and repeat.
This does entail a very busy afternoon scurrying around, however - plus a little bit of instant arithmetic.  And the credit risk at UK race meets is pretty low.  Incidentally, my man is always willing to be completely transparent: if you can keep up, he'll give you a precise running commentary as he puffs up and down, and you can emulate his every move - if you're quick enough.  Sadly, his puffing days are over.

PS:  the very fact that such a method can be successful, suggests to me that UK horseracing isn't particularly bent.  The dogs - ah, now that's another matter ...

[4] Pure arb in horse-racing is quite difficult for anyone except a bookie (or someone in league with a bookie) to do.  So I must accept that  'risk-free' here is too glib.  

Thursday, 2 January 2025

What will 'President Musk' decree?

Stuff his new best friend won't much like, we have to guess - based on his attachment to EVs and immigration and the like, not to mention rogue outbursts in public whenever the mood takes.  

Where and when do we see this all coming to grief?  Overweening "superstar advisers" (Rasputin, Cummings, Gray, etc) rarely work out, even for a short while.

We can add this to the list of New Year prediction questions.  Coming soon.