David Dimbleby is joined in east London by
Sarah Teather MP,{ An example of why to vote 'No' to AV.}
Boris Johnson,{Crazy,crazy Mayor of London. Ken got a tough reception from the West London crowd. Boris in the EastEnd? Cor Blimey guv'nor!}
Diane Abbott MP,{ Tribal hypocrite of the worst kind. Quite likeable though.}
Mark Serwotka General secretary for public services union, proper genuine Trotskyist and all round bonkers lefty,} and Clive Anderson, {Legal comedian and broadcaster, who may possibly be the only sane one there.}
YOU choose what you think the panel may be asked by the audience. YOU put those guess questions into the comments... points are awarded for accuracy, style, exclusivity, humour and sometimes just randomly. New entrants welcome and judged favourably.
BQ thinks
1. Should smashing up London be legal?
2. Should Libyan rebels be armed?
3. Will axing police numbers cause more shootings of small children
4. Was the U-turn on EMA a U-turn caused by violent student protests?
5. Was Miliband wrong to associate himself 'with Labour's violence'{or whatever Boris actually said}
New Champ is
Malcolm Tucker -32.5
Timbo614 - 32
Bill Quango - 31
Miss S-J - 31
Botogol - 30.5
Nick Drew - 29.5
Miss CD - 26
Appointmentotheboard - 25.5
Hatfield Girl - 23
CityUnslicker - 22.5
Hovis 21.5
Dick the Prick - 19
measured - 15.5
Steven_L - 14.5
Andrew - 13
Anon -12
GSD - 11
Mark Wadsworth -9
New Champ is
Malcolm Tucker -32.5
Timbo614 - 32
Bill Quango - 31
Miss S-J - 31
Botogol - 30.5
Nick Drew - 29.5
Miss CD - 26
Appointmentotheboard - 25.5
Hatfield Girl - 23
CityUnslicker - 22.5
Hovis 21.5
Dick the Prick - 19
measured - 15.5
Steven_L - 14.5
Andrew - 13
Anon -12
GSD - 11
Mark Wadsworth -9
Woman on a raft - 7
Budgie - 5
BE - 3.5
Alan -2
Budgie - 5
BE - 3.5
Alan -2