Friday, 2 February 2007

A Pyrrhic victory in Cash-For Honours

First of all, if I lost you already.

Anyway, as Ellee says, what a week for right-wing blogging. Guido and Iain leading the news agenda of the MSM with the Smith Institute scandal (Guido) and the Tax Advert on by 18 Doughty Street.

Yet the biggest story as been the continuing Cash for Honours scandal (If this is really a scandal, this just has not been looked into before in such detail methinks).

Seeing Blair, shorn of all credibility and pathetically going on Today this morning (transcript here) to announce nothing more than he as still living in 10 Downing Street, had me laughing and full of glee.

Yet on reflection I am worried. At the back of my mind I wonder what Sir Hayden Phillips is thinking about all this. His weak and ill-considered report has been under attack by all the political parties.

Unsurprisingly, they all want more of our money to pay for their spinning and campaigning. The fall-out from Cash for Honours is likely to be they get their wish granted.

This is most distressing; we rid ourselves of Blair, Broon is hopefully hobbled and yet it will still cost us money. Tax-payer funding will also ruin our political system, ensuring legions more of unworldly, inexperienced political apparatchiks become our leaders.


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

C/U, I fear you are right.

Newmania said...

CU allow me to brag . I was quoted in the Guardian, no less , saying just that.I am also somewhat concerned about the amount of briefing the Police are doing. Of course the polticisation of the MET is the fault of Nu Lab so there is some justice.

A welcome splash of cold water . Honestly that was exactly what I thought about it and I was starting to get carried away with the excitement.

Smart post.Smart man. CU

CityUnslicker said...

W/L - it seems teh obvious conclusion.

N - Being qyoted in teh gariand is surely worth 3 lashings?

I think the Police are spinning back too, they have to counter-act the NuLab mendaciousness when it comes to media control.

James Higham said...

Yes, Pyrrhic victory describes it well.

Stan Bull said...

While the Blairite machine is busy criticising the honours inquiry, it would seem the Yard has gathered sufficient evidence to charge Levy, Turner and Sir Christopher Evans.
See here.
It would seem the end is nigh...

Anonymous said...

Yes, arrests seem to be imminent, the story was in the NoW today too.

CityUnslicker said...

IT/Ellee - well my job sucks, leeds are going to get relegated. At least there is this too keep me chipper!

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way..I shoulds explain I was only in the Guardian becuase they did a scraps from Blogs thing. Not because anyone cares what I think

( Of course)

But I was on the same tack

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the post Tim Ireland has written about me today on Bloggerheads because of my post about Iain and Guido?

I think you know me well enough, you can make your own mind up. I can tell you there was no comment posted by him, just a link to his site with not one single word accompanying it. I don't see why he needs my site to promote his personal vendettas. I refuse to be part of it.

CityUnslicker said...

Ellee - sorry to hear. Just ignore him I say.

Bill Haydon said...

Ellee wrote - Have you seen the post Tim Ireland has written about me today on Bloggerheads because of my post about Iain and Guido?

I think you know me well enough, you can make your own mind up. I can tell you there was no comment posted by him, just a link to his site with not one single word accompanying it. I don't see why he needs my site to promote his personal vendettas. I refuse to be part of it.

I haven't seen it and won't read it. couldn't care less either. Your blog is great, you're thoughtful and intelligent so who cares what he thinks. And he does have some very strong personal vendettas, if the various comments he leaves lying around are anything to go by.

Anonymous said...

Tin Drummer and Cityunsliker, Thank you both, much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

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