Thursday, 1 March 2007

Dead Cat Bounce

My last post reported the fall in the stock markets around the world that heralded the beginning of the end of the Bull market. Economic fundamentals are just too unbalanced for things to continue as they were.

Yet today, the markets are up a little, after 2 days of falls. Don't be fooled though as hedge funds and others need markets to move up and down to make their margins, one way bets are hard for them to manage.

So today sees some profit taking, but I still believe the bubble is burst. Let's hope it is a nice gentle ride down rather than a collapse...


Anonymous said...

I need to know what this means for mortgages and petrol prices, as well as my weekly Tesco shop. I'm not buying my petrol from there this week though.

Newmania said...

I love the title CU. Elee`s point is quite a good one don`t tyou think its what it measn that matters. I don`t see you doing shopping baskets somehow though

CityUnslicker said...

I love food shopping N, hence my expanding waste line.

Ellee, I know it does not hit baskets straight away, but the effects of market crashes are recessions. So in the medium term it will reduce inflation, but also wages and job prospects. It will even bring down house prices (relatively if not in absolute terms). So it does have a huge effect, but there is a lag.

Anonymous said...

The exchange rate with the US$ is what is going to be the key IMO, and if the dollar stays so weak I can't se it being that smooth a slide for us. It tells a tale whan I wish I could get 1.75 to the pound. Not forgetting too that the dow is coming off a record and ours hasn't reached what was a record even if it was artifically high.

Brown could mess up very badly if he doesn't make some hard and painfuk decisions, though I suspect he doesn't have the balls.

CityUnslicker said...

Broon will leave the decisions to his Darling Shotgun.

that name will be fun when he is Chancellor. it will be all blackadder gags forever...

Anonymous said...

CityUnslicker said...

Broon will leave the decisions to his Darling Shotgun.

Do you think he will take his hand off the economic tillers, or will Darling be a Brown shadow just doing as he is told?

that name will be fun when he is Chancellor. it will be all blackadder gags forever...

Already started...but he is a jock and that is a mistake in the current political climate...I don't know if Darling will be Chancellor as I suspect Brown will pick an Englisman specifically for that reason and to prepare Labour for the next election...a northern Englishman too, lol.

CityUnslicker said...

Balls to that!

Newmania said...

Darling and Ladyman...?Broon will never let go of the purse strings but he will have to make promises to the Blair wing to smooth his coronation .
Thats what the web is really all about. You should see the way the Labour Left look at it ...they are waiting for ther Red revolution to begin.
Scary stuff

Anonymous said...

CityUnslicker said...

Balls to that!

Oooh, you cryptic linttle tinker you...:-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarification, I always like this subject explained in layman's terms.

CityUnslicker said...

Broon will have to step away from the treasury when he steps up to the Premiership. He will find it hard to do, but as much as funding is central to the government, there is much more to do.

James Higham said...

I think the collapse is being managed and they can't let it happen until certain initiatives in 2010. It may be a bear market coming but no more than that. So I imagine.

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