Shorter round up this week...some of the stories which grabbed me:
Morrison's logo to go - it was not very modern anyway. I like Morrsion's as it happens, their own brands are a mark above the competition as they own more of their suppliers.
The IoD urges tax cuts to Gordon Brown - tax cuts? talk about whistling into the wind...
Boots next for for KKR Private Equity - a deal that makes more sense as Boots has plenty of assets for the PE boys to leverage and has been under performing for years.
Agri-Business benefits from EU subsidies - yes of course you may say, but this was in The Observer!
London full of Billionaires - Perhaps Blighty is not so bad after all...
The future of the UK; housing crash? - we do tend to follow the US economy occasionally.
Music companies realise they can profit in the download world - not exactly quick on the uptake though.
Banks fight back on customer overdraft claims - between the banks and consumers the war will go on forever.
The Pru to nothing again - they may take some money back from their funds this time, but he 3rd strategic review in 3 years has the same old conclusion - do nothing.
Sadly CU i am low- brow and worthless and I like the stories about Lady Mucca in the News of the Screws .
It was actually one of the slowest days I can remember today ...I could do with a bit of action
Sadly CU i am low- brow and worthless and I like the stories about Lady Mucca in the News of the Screws .
It was actually one of the slowest days I can remember today ...I could do with a bit of action
Interesting news about the billionaires - how many zeros are there in a billion?
10 Ellee - more than enough!
1,000,000,000 that's nine on my count!
I hope the housing market does crash. I certainly think the house I'm sitting in is overvalued if you look at the fundamentals.
4/5 bedroom detahced house with v small garden in reasonably nice part of Northumberland - would fetch £325K
And I'm on an estate full of them. There's 2 other estates in the town and a load of town centre property that has the same desirability in terms of location.
There aren't enough jobs paying that much up here to sustain prices like that - they are suspended by the fact there is enough people with equity to keep the market ticking (and rising at the moment).
Steven, you make a fair pointthere is of course an asset bubble in residential property.
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