Tuesday, 10 April 2007


I had a nice Easter break and work was a real drag to go back to today; but so be it for the servants of mammon.

Meanwhile, you may remember 7 or 8 years ago the dot com boom. I was thinking about this over the weekend in relation to the Climate Change Agenda that is growing now; there are many similarities between the phenomena. Overall perhaps now is the right point in the cycle to go green and start-up a company or enterprise involved in this area. More thinking required on my part here.

Anyway, back in the Dot Com era there were all sorts of over-used phrases that were used to hide the simple and ill-thought out economics behind the start-ups. 2 of my favourites were ' business to business (b2b) for service companies and Business to Consumer for retail companies.

These were parodied in 2001 when the bubble burst, into 'back to banking' and 'back to consulting.' For all those bright young things who had 'lived the dream.' Or not.

In my musings I thought up a new version for the modern age of today, that is after the Easter Weekend.

Back to Blogging.


Anonymous said...

CU, you are uncharacteristically slow off the mark here! Enterprising folk have been setting up daft green schemes** (and trousering handsome subsidies) for several years now.

There may yet be a seat on the bandwagoon for you, if you learn the jargon quickly - and thrust your hand out in the prescribed manner.

- - - - -

** If I were to tell you that burning hundreds of thousands of tons of BSE-ridden cattle carcasses to generate electricity counts as 'renewable energy', and that folk have obtained lottery grants to do this - in addition to cashable envo-credits - you'd not believe me, obviously, because you're sane. But it's true: http://www.impact-teesside.org/sembcorp1.htm

CityUnslicker said...

ND I did know that, but you are right to mention it as an example of pure government-led insanity.

Slicker family associations include power plants that burn straw and one that is to burn rubber tyres; all heavily subisdised to make it work.

However, I have a grander scheme in mind, but not for public revelation yet.

The cow thing is brilliant though. Clever bastards.

Anonymous said...

The best ones are the trillion pound grants for building useless and worthless wind farms in the sea. Its lke PFI but better for the power companies involved in grant harvesting the government s rubbish schemes. "Green " companies involved in taking UK Taxpayers money include Exxon, Shell, Scottihs Power and some french fuckers..

The Hitch said...

The Hitch's first instinct is to think yes its a good idea, years of experience have taught me that means its a bad idea.
This is a a huge pile of shit and everybody knows it.
Land and the means to produce/store food/water and of equal importance defend that food/water/land. a few krugerands will also come in handy.

CityUnslicker said...

Mutley - Yup the'green' brigade in the Uk does indeed consist of power companies and oil companies for the most part. You could not make it up!

The Hitch - I was pleased to see yesterday too the news that our fair isle will become a paradise with beautiful weather thanks to global warming. As long as we defend the shores, everything will be fine!

Reactionary Snob said...

Yes. A chum of mine is a Scientist of some reknown at Edinburgh University and he has said that all research proposals must have the word environmnent these days otherwise they won't get a penny...

Anonymous said...

Reactionary Snob said...

Yes. A chum of mine is a Scientist of some reknown at Edinburgh University and he has said that all research proposals must have the word environmnent these days otherwise they won't get a penny...

Indeed - an "environemtal audit" is becoming the latest currency amongst government and European funded projects...

CityUnslicker said...

more pay for the bureaucrats Mutley.

Doesn't that make your heart skip a beat?!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Glad you had a nice Easter break and sorry I couldn't get over to wish you one as the net socket fell out of the wall! I remember the dot.com era very well and yes, climate change seems to be the thing now. I find it all yawningly boring [not your site - I mean climate change] and BBC World has become like one very long, uninteresting geography lesson because that's all they can talk about. I shall be extremely annoyed when I find out who is making money out of it as I will never forgive them for boring me so!

Anonymous said...

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