Thursday, 5 April 2007

Election Manifesto's; what is really important?

Both Labour and the Lib Dems have launched their English Election Manifesto's this past week for the local elections. Labour and Lib Dem both have crime and ways to tackle it as the central policy.

But I wonder is this right? Is crime really the top focus of what people vote for in these local elections. I guess we will find out in a month, but I have my doubts and think that this is a very negative campaign strategy.

The LD's see being tough on crime as a way to harden their wishy washy image; but will that wash with voters?

Labour see crime as one of the few areas where they have had success, albeit limited, at a local level.

The Tories come out with their policies later this week, but have already made the environment and crime top priorities.

Yet to me, the key issues, outside of Scotland, are local finance, education, waste removal, planning and transport. Crime come sway down and i don't even live in that nice an area!

What do you think? What would positive campaigns have been based upon?


Anonymous said...

Reducing local taxes, however it may be done, some kind of policy for reducing the size and cost of local governemtn?

Guthrum said...

I agree, crime is fairly low on the agenda as far as I am concerned. Urgent reform of the planning system,to combat the lack of housing and dealing with innercity congestion.

CityUnslicker said...

Mutley - Reducing local taxes is impossible Mutley. most of the finance has been centralised so councils are at the mercy of central government.

Any that manage to make cuts are heroes!

CityUnslicker said...

Guthrum - I found it odd about crime too hence my post. i think this just shows the lack of insight currently amongst both these parties in to how to imprive local government and sevices.

Anonymous said...

It's whatever makes a difference to people's lives, so all those things.

Anonymous said...

Delivering things that make a difference for local people. That sounds wishy, but small things can really make a difference to quality of life - very interesting video from a Bristol Cllr about his successes in the past year:

Jeremy Jacobs said...

I think Ellee has hit the nail on the head.

CityUnslicker said...

Ellee - that is true, but what floats your boat?

JJ - same thing, what do you want seen done in your local area.

Anon - thanks for the link. I enjoyed it.

James Higham said...

Seems to me we should look first at the root cause of crime, beginning at the top with governmental policies on education and health.

Anonymous said...

I'm fortunate not to live in a high crime area, I live in a rural area, so public transport is important and yes, reducing taxes. Good education for my kids and healthcare.
We need to think of our old folk too, the numbers are increasing and they should be treated with respect and dignity.

Have a happy Easter.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, c/u. It's hard to say what I would want to focus on now, being out of the UK. I'm sorry but I have to say climate change and waste disposal leave me cold; I am sick of people who have 2 or 3 cars per family going on about it. I suppose education would top my list - and getting rid of quangoes [which is unlikely if there is more devolution]. Thanks for an interesting post - your posts always are, btw! Oh, and Happy Easter from Sicily.

Tony said...

I think some private polling and some public surveys like this one are the reason why the parties have got crime in their sights. This survey was larger than a typical opinion poll by the big researchers.

CityUnslicker said...

Quango's are a real pain Welshacakes. But they are such good ports for political stuffing!

I don't think we'll see the end of them for a long time.

Education should be an issue, but it has become so centralised by this government that it is barely a regional issue.

CityUnslicker said...

Tony, thanks for the link. Certainly makes interesting reading. I note how high immigration concersn are, even in Wellingborough.

Praguetory said...

75% of 100 returns that a Tory candidate friend of mine received mentioned crime as a prime concern - and my mate reckons that is a low crime area.

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