Ten interesting stories and comment from the days business pages:
Banking Ego Madness - RBS is so desperate to stop Barclays it will make an expensive hostile bid.
More consolidation - this time it is Grant Thornton in the accounting sector.
MP's slam decision on BAE probe - will this messy political scandal affect the UK's reputation internationally? (err. ..yes)
Troubles still at Sports Direct - the lesson in how not to float and impress the City continues.
ITV's independence - compromised by Sky deal. this will have some long-term repercussions.
Spoiling for Money - on the day the Sunday Times posts the Rich List, the Guardian has a spoiler article which is quite funny, apparently there are lots of jealous people!
Postal Union and Labour square off - expect strikes by the summer...
More Billionaires to buy into football - but they are not interested in mighty Leeds United?!?
Trade war over Biofuels - When will this madness stop, biofuels are more polluting than oil!
Ummmmm, that's nine slicker, lol.
expect strikes by the summer...
Too late.
The 40k jobs are lost and the Post Office decimated over the past decade in readiness for Bliar, Brown and Labours pals to take over a new deregulated and private postal service [sic]
shot - bugger!
I think there will not be an alternative but to privatise the post service.
When the public spending crunch comes they will realise they can cut the subsidy and sell off the assets at a profit.
I shall start with the war over Bio-fuels Mr C - I expect to surface by Wednesday....
I was interested in the biofuels story. We do need new environmental technologies, but we cannot keep hammering the taxpayer or making them feel guilty when they are trying to do their bit.
Mutley/Ellee- Biofulesa re just the wrong way to go. In Brazil they have cut down huge chunks of rainforest to grow foodstuffs for ethanol; thus the situtation has been made wrose than before!
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