Thursday 31 May 2007

Buzz off Blair

The newspaper coverage today of Blair in Africa is enough to make the blood boil. Why should this man be ferried round the world at taxpayers expense so he can be serenaded and feted?

The way we have developed our democratic system over the centuries is supposed to mitigate against this. Lose and election and you are out the next morning. Lose a leadership challenge and you are out the next day .

It is typical of New Labour that in their constitutional vandalism they have even manged to effect change in this area.

Meanwhile, back in the real world interest rates are set to rise, energy prices are rising again and the housing market may finally be beginning to slow.

But who cares, soon Tony will return and it will be handkerchiefs all round...


Nick Drew said...

"Why should this man be ferried round the world at taxpayers expense so he can be serenaded and feted?"

& then there's the spectacle of Prescott getting his own c(r)ooks tour to the Caribbean . . . treble beta-blockers all round!

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is quite extraordinary and must have been planned ages ago. I'm wondering if he will have time to meet the families of the killed servicemen who died in Iraq. Perhaps a special service could be held for them. I doubt Blair will want to show his face.

Anonymous said...

Its quite extraordinary - whilst the Tory Party dithers about Grammar schools.

Thanks for the guest post by the way...

Theo Spark said...

I take it we are also paying for Cherie's tickets.

Steven_L said...

You haven't seen some of the 'bridges' I work with!

Anonymous said...

Theo, but of course.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts Ellee, and something I posted about a while back. He has not met a single serviceman off the plane, dead or alive, he has not visited the wounded or contacted anyone at all.

He did however pledge to meet Rose Gentle, but for three years has not found the time in his diary that he promised he would, and which has been asked for on a regular basis, despite promises to do so.

Now he won't have to.

But he can be seen on the front pages of the media smiling and meeting scum from around Africa like Mbeki and Gadaffi.

The media has a lot to answer for and are the worst scum.

James Higham said... enough to make the blood boil...

Actually, I threw up.

Anonymous said...

Ye Gods, if it wasn't for my extra strong medication and the intense desire to stay out of hmp I'd buy a dodgy shooter and end our collective misery.

On the plus side it's only another few weeks and he'll foist himself upon the poor unsuspecting American public. Gowd help 'em.

Jeremy Jacobs said...

Pity he wasn't captured in that hell hole called Libya

CityUnslicker said...

ND - yes Precott too, enought o turn the stomach.

Ellee - A sound point, I hope this is not forgotten inthe Euologies.

Mutley - you welcome, email me and you may get a real one!

CityUnslicker said...

Theo - First class of course.

Steven - post them on your site then...

Shot - A great point. I had forgotten this snub to Rose gentle. Thanks for the reminder.

CityUnslicker said...

Flavious - he is not worth the cost of the bullet.

JJ - Not now he enigneered there return to 'respectability'!

Anonymous said...

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