It is rare that I am left speechless, as Newmania and Croydonian will attest to.
However, the news that Lord Browne, former-greatest-CEO-ever-in-history, has resigned because of a gay love affair did indeed stun me. Not that I could care about this, but the fact that he has also led BP, after years of frankly brilliant service, to two high profile disasters is a sad denouement.
Did this affair take his mind off the ball? Or did events just catch-up with him?
Maybe he should have quit a couple of years ago when he was offered the chance.
Anyway, I once remember him making a comment at an event we were both at that ' Shane Warne is the best wrist spinner the world has ever seen and I am in awe.'
There was innocent me at the time thinking that this was a merely platonic statement of admiration...could I have been wrong?
He was well into cottaging as well - the dirty little midget - he paid for sex with .... and ..also ..... should I go on??? Perhaps not as he is a trillionaire who knows that the law is open to all -like the Ritz Hotel.
Story of the day my arse! My outing newmania as a BNP member and posting as more vulgar than a vulcans vulva tops that story!
Good grief - how can Newmania possibly be a BNP member ?
I am in deep admiration of More Vulgar than a Vulcan's Vulva.
Jailhouselawyer - why such bitterness ?
Browne a cottager? blimey. is that right? what's a cottager?
as a shareholder of BP, i wish him the worst in his new career. even my Aunt Flo could have driven the BP share price higher during a period when oil prices trebled.
and she's an oilrig short of an oilfield.
electro kevin: No bitterness, merely an observation. Newmania's response was to spit his dummy out over on my prison bitch The Hitch blog.
I do not post as anything other than myself and I am not a supporter of the BNP. My views are published and I stand by a stated sympathy for some of the BNP voters
I want nothing to do with JHL and have not responded to him other than to mention these facts
CU. I would rather be talking about your post ..sorry
Jeffrey Archer, Hugh Grant, now Lord Browne. When will the rich and famous learn not to sleep with prostitutes?
That statement certainly has an extra spin to it now we know more about Lord Browne's background. Anyone who pays for sex places is under threat of blackmail, that was a gross lack of judgement.
MD - well, I don;t think he is wagging his tale today.
JHL - that hardly compares, does it?
EK - Newmania is patently not BNP.
Pommy - The man was great in the 90's and a poor show in the 90's. Still I think your shares have done well over teh 12 years.
JH: - enough of this here. thank you.
N - fair do's. Feel free to defend yourself against such ludicrous accusations.
Steven-L - err..could that not apply to lots of men. 'tis the oldest profession after all....
Ellee - A huge mistake of judgement it was. He seems to have suffered the hubris that fate requires now.
There is no fool like and old fool.
Did you happen to notice that Boy geiorge is also in trouble with an escort trying to blackmail hinm essentially CU.
I feel a bit sorry for Browne he is quite obviously a tremndously talented and not unappealing fellow .
Its a mistake to assume he was gifted similarly in all areas of his life . He seems a child emotionally
N - I did not see this until you pointed it out.
Surely a sign of mature society that kiss and tell can now be for all sexual preferences?
I quite like all this, it will annoy the islamists no end.
Browne I think has actually acquitted himself very well in all his statements, given the awkwardness of the situation. Compare this to Mark Oaten; no contest.
Compare this to Mark Oaten; no contest.
No suprise there CU .
Compare this to Mark Oaten; no contest.
No suprise there CU .
CU - they would have fared well had i bought them 12 years ago. sadly i bought them four years ago.
Pommy - better luck next time!
Shees...fancy getting sacked over rooting a hooker? He should have copied his hero Warnie and stuck to gang bangs with essex girls...
JJ - funny how warney enede up more popular!
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