Sunday, 17 June 2007

Sunday Business Review - 17/6/07

10 of the most interesting stories from today's news. I would expect things to start calming down for the summer. The uber-rich executives often take a month off in July/August and hire an archipelago in the Caribbean; deals still get done, but the pace slows down alot to accommodate the 'season.'

Private Equity Backlash
- As I suggested earlier in the week, the pressure is on the PE industry, with even heavyweight KKR having difficulties trying to float.

Jon Moulton agrees - Good article on the above from someone who knows.

I am always Wrong - Markets at a 7 year high...what goes up..

T5 slating starts - It was only a matter of time before what reached this phase. The Terminal 5 project has gone so well, the press had to turn, these are the first assaults...

Fallen giant rises? - ICI staves off a bid for now. Might well be affected by the Caribbean facot

Return of the Dome - A puff piece to suggest the Dome will finally become profitable; was given away for nothing and is still on polluted land. if someone gave me a £750 million investment for free then I am sure I could do something with it....

Wounded Jaguar - Lots of press about this topic this week. As much as Private Equity has something to answer for, I bet only they can save the group. But I think John Towers clones will be back with fantasy promises a la Rover.

Sainsbury's still a target - This time of a Qatari company. Sitting on valuable assets in the UK corporate environment at the moment is a sure way to boost your companies share price.

Pushing the market - a new clever idea to make money and boost liquidity in the AIM market.

Darling times - Government backed report says country is very competitive. I can't see the report was likely to report otherwise given its paymaster...


Steven_L said...

They gave the dome away fro free huh? I'd have given them a tenner. I'd have given BMW £20 for Rover and doubled the £1 the old courthouse in my hometown of Morpeth was sold for years ago.

Surely they should stick these white elephants on ebay and let everyone have a crack at them!

Anonymous said...

I have purchased Bermuda and am spending two months there - you are welcome to join me if you wish...

CityUnslicker said...

Steven-L - I think the government has too much form in wasting out money and then giving it to its favourite business partners. John Prescott liked his Stetsun didn't he?

CityUnslicker said...

Mutley - thank you for the kind invite. i shall row over to yours immediately.

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