Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Tony Blair - it was the meedia what done it

This man, such a figure of fun for the past few weeks, topped even his own high standards.

According to his speech, the media are making it hard to run the country and there needs to be a change. As I have said before, there is some small merit in this point. However, pot kettle black, it was Blair who came up with the idea of spin and central government control of all media output.

Now the press has reacted to New Labour spinning, they don't like it up 'em; how ridiculous for Blair of all people to try to make this point. We may as well listen to the snake's advice on apple consumption...

For all this though, I think that any future government, by changing the terms of interaction with the media will slowly effect the way in which the media reports political stories. Either Brown or Cameron will do this.

I don't want two more weeks of this man in government. Next week he is going to try to sign us up to some nmad new European state he hopes to be president of one day.


Anonymous said...

he wants to join the Kinnocks ripping off the Euro-millions, Glenys, Neil and the foul children all snout in the Euro trough...

pommygranate said...


There is such an infuriating split between what TB does (awful) and what he says (often very good).

Did you see his valedictory speech written up in The Economist? Very strong on all issues, praising free markets, calling for reform to the State, a smaller State, praising the Right for its courage in defending liberty etc etc.

Why didnt we see this TB in action?

You cant help feeling the entire ten years have been a waste.

Anonymous said...

Since 1997 it has always been somebody else's fault...choose your misdeed, sleaze or corruption, and it was somebody else. Choose your failed policy and it was because of somebody else.

And so on...

Crushed said...

But are you that eager to have Gordon?

What are your feelings on Blair repersenting us at this european summit, six days before he leaves?

It has been pointed out that is slightly pointless and thar really Gordy should be doing it.

CityUnslicker said...

mutley - he does, the traitor!

CityUnslicker said...

Pommy - the man is deluded. I agree with Bryan Appleyard's view on his ability to doublethink.

CityUnslicker said...

Shot - yes, other people are they just a problem? if only they did as I told them more often....

CityUnslicker said...

no I hate Gordy and Blair.

But I would rather have a real leader than this pantomime nonesense.

Anonymous said...

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