Of course you're not, Minister, perish the thought. Can't think why you're mentioning it at all, really. This clown (the one in the middle) is Malcolm Wicks, starting his second stint as Energy Minister, by popular demand. Fills you full of confidence, no ?
As well as nucs, the topic Mr Wicks finds particularly exciting is carbon capture and storage, “one of those happy areas where the ethical and the environmental, the commercial and the profitable, come together ". . . He refused to be drawn on details of how much support the government would offer, but concluded .. “you can’t do it on the cheap”.
Oh – that sort of profitable !
Yes, Minister, and that’s exactly what BP and their friends think, too . . .
You mean dodgy environmental concerns will generate huge profits for Nulabs corporate pals?? NO!! Thats a scandal. They should stick to building more useless windfarms, oh - they are nulabs corporate pals as well...
Yay! Im second..
Hey when did that " Occassional Energy form Nick Drew start then,!"Occassional horrible poems and fantastical conspiracy theories , that I would understand.
Mr Mania - pay attention at the back there, boy, this has been going on for weeks now
- occasional bursts of energy, when I can rouse myself
(being an idle sort)
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