Gordon Brown knows full well that between now and the next election a number of very ugly chickens will be coming home to roost. Indeed, a handful of the blighters turned up this summer. So in today’s speech we saw him give a first outing for his brazen strategy of trying to turn this to his advantage. (a) portray Events as random externalities, sent to try us
(b) hide behind the heroics of neglected public services (Armed Forces, flood defences etc) as they pluckily get stuck in with whatever limited resources they’ve been given
(c) wrap self in flag (‘Britain’ and ‘British’ mentioned more than 70 times)
Conclusion: “Britain has been tested [read: I have been tested] and not found wanting”. An attack on Brown is an attack on us all.
This strategy is infinitely adaptable. An overworked RAF helicopter crashes in Iraq for want of spare parts? “We applaud the courage of our Armed Forces.” A new outbreak of teenage gun-killings on unpoliced council estates ? “We, the majority who deplore guns, congratulate ourselves for being horrified by this violence.” Etc etc, it’s quite easy when you see how it’s done - look at the first 15 minutes of his speech.
There is a pressing need for a counter-strategy, to make him acknowledge paternity of the returning fowl. Apparently the Conservative Party pays its two main spin-doctors £ 500,000 a year. Let’s see them earn their keep.
UPDATE: Michael Crick counted 85 utterances of Britain / British
Nice picture. Is he demonstrating his technique to the adoring Labour masses?
The fact that he mentioned Britain and British 70 times is quite revealing. I think immigration is going to be a much bigger issue for the next election than the last.
A really bizarre set of statements from a Labour prime minister; really seeking the vote of the right wingers.
We live in interesting and strange times.
Look how different the parties have become in just 20 years (in the sense of their ideologies or lack of them).
Just noticed your poll on how many hours I work.
I work 12 - 8, but get 30 mins lunch and 2 15 min breaks.
I can log out on 'personal' to go get a coffee or pretend to use the loo. Usually we have a 20 minute 'meeting'.
I'm supposed to have 6 hours 'login' and 9% call work per day. Bonus is on sales, I need 54 sales a day for top bonus.
I was running at 5.30h login, 25% call work and about 55 sales per day, then they brough in some 'coaches' to 'improve' my productivity.
I am now on 6 hours login, 9% callwork and 44 sales I day. I lose £100 bonus after tax, and these wankers go away saying they have made me more productive.
I can't wait til next week when they bugger off and annoy another team!
Steven: That's my experience too. "Consultants" usually arrive in a flush and then proceed to tell you everything you already know. Try to ignore them (and their "recommendations". I did and it worked for me).
Anon @ 5:29 - he is showing the high regard he has for us all !
Ellee - he uses this technique a lot, and it's a rather simple one: endless, shameless repetition of the word he'd like you to think of in his favour
(like 'change' in his first speech as PM, to make us think he represents something new - or 'courage' in "his book", to suggest he isn't after all the craven coward we know him to be)
as though it will achieve brainwashing or subliminal persuasion. Perhaps it does work, transparent thought it may be ...
Steven - and are these consultants getting paid by results ? Sounds like they have been set NuLab-style targets ...
Quite amusing that he emphasises Britishness so much when is intending to wash the British constitution down the drain and replace it with a EU constitution. One presumes his concept of "British" is "anyone that happens to live on this rock at any particular moment in time".
Excellent analysis.
Thanks, Mark. Let's see if it continues to play out that way when PM's Question-time re-commences and he has more Events to explain away.
Dismayingly, we can be fairly sure this strategy, and the repetition thing, have been successfully tested in focus-groups, and he knows he can get away with it
" I think immigration is going to be a much bigger issue for the next election than the last."
Immigration was a big issue last election, but the frightened Tories never went near it.
This is why we still have a labour Govt.
Anon @ 11:26 - actually, Michael Howard made a (rather tentative) stab at it.
"It's not racist to impose limits on immigration ... are you thinking what we're thinking?"
(2005 Manifesto - http://www.conservatives.com/pdf/manifesto-uk-2005.pdf)
If something of the kind is to be tried again, evidently something cleverer is required.
Which is sort of my point about tackling Brown on every front. Don't just assume things are so obvious and so bad that voters will spontaneously rise up against the Kirkcaldy Coward.
Unfortunately, Nick, the Tories rather tentative stab at immigration policy by an immigrant Tory leader was really a sign of just how difficult it is to now close the door. The door is now held open by the immigrants themselves, and short of a civil war there is no closing it now. It would be better to make immigration work for us - and leave Blighty for Oz.
Anon @ 2:15, & Ellee - for a glimpse at the angst this causes the Labour Party, have a look at this:
consultants? you misuderstand
il explain ovber beer one day
OK maybe I can take you up on that some time
I'm pretty sure he did say 'BritishMess'...
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